Joanna's 2014 Plan
I've signed up for Ironman New Zealand on March 1, 2014. Plan for 2014 is to do IMNZ and IM Mont Tremblant in August 2014.
So, my question now is when should I start training for IMNZ? The only thing left for my 2013 season is an Olympic at the end of Spetember.
If you haven't already done so, please take the Season Planning Survey under the Training tab above and I'll work this out for you. Thanks!
Thank you for getting my season map plan to me so quickly. I am working hard to get my plantar fasciitis under control so I can start running. I will let you know once I can run consistently again. In the meantime I will just keep biking and swimming.
And I am okay with doing my biking indoors. I did all of my rides for Texas (except for one) on the Computrainer. Not the best situation but it's what needs to be done.
I was doing my best to kick my PF. I did not run for 6 weeks and focused on getting accupuncture and ART and Graston. I even got a cortisone shot which helped for 3 weeks but the pain returned once i started running. I am on week 1 of 20 week plan for IM and while the pain is gone when I run, my heel throbs after. What should I do with regards to the plan? Just keep running?
I just moved so am in the process of finding a new PT and hope to find one this week.
Thanks for the information and I have tried ART and Graston but no help!
Sorry to hear about your running issues!
I think the best strategy is to continue to modify the running in the IM plan to better fit your constraints. Just no other way around it. But it sounds like you're able to bike without issues, which is very important.