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2013 Ironman Wisconsin Four Keys Talk -- Registration is LIVE!!

Registration for the FREE Four Keys of Ironman Wisconsin Talk is now LIVE! 

The talk will be on Friday, Sept 6th, 10:30a-12p at the Overture Arts Center. Endurance Nation coaches Rich Strauss and Patrick McCrann will deliver their Four Keys guidance, used successfully by over 10,000 Ironman finishers. They will then give a detailed walk-thru of how to race Ironman Wisconsin. Finally, they will take questions from the attendees, to ensure your mind is right for race day! Over 220 athletes attended our Ironman Lake Placid 4k Talk. Space is limited so please register today!




This past weekend Patrick and I offered a very, very high quality Four Keys talk in Lake Placid for TeamEN athletes and the public -- we gave the talk in the local theatre, had a detailed presentation, sound system, etc. The talk lasted about an hour and included a detailed walk-thru of the swim, bike and run courses.

We will do the same for Ironman Wisconsin, implementing our IMLP lessons to improve this talk even further. The talk will be on Friday, 10:30a, at the Overture Arts Center on the capitol square. Notes:

  • The talk is of course free for you, your friends, and the general public but you will need to register in advance. Details and a registration link coming shortly.
  • The talk will be extremely detailed -- think your typical IM-specific EN webinar but with both coaches, in a theatre, etc. 
  • Most importantly:


RnP have completed over 25 Ironmans. I've raced IMWI 3x and this year will be my 8th training camp on the course. I'm very, very, very certain that will be able to teach you something about IMWI and get your mind right about race day. 

More specifically, every year at every race we deliver a Four Keys talk and a handful of EN athletes can't be bothered to attend the talk. And every year this same handful of athletes under performs -- everyone from 1st timers to Kona-wannabees. And this year's IMWI 4k talk will be even more valuable, as I will give you a turn-by-turn breakdown of the course and much, much, more. 

Short of a doctor's note, crazy travel plans, or an act of God, you will be at this talk. Hopefully I've been clear enough.

But, seriously, it's extremely frustrating for PnI to do everything we can to set you up for success (travel, $$$$, booking a venue, preparing a presentation, and much, much more), have have our own athletes perceive this as an optional event, and then make stupid mistakes on race day. So I'm trying to fix that 


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