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Bikes and cranks and stuff...

So, I've got my TT/tri bike that has my quarq on it now. I have to drop off my bike to TriBike transport (TBT) next Wednesday.

I plan on using my road bike before IMMT, while my tri bike is in transport.
I've got another crank to use, same size, # of teeth, etc

Question is...do I ship my tri bike with the quarq, have my last few (taper) workouts without power?
or do I ship my bike with the non-power crank, take my quarq with me (checked bag, maybe even carry on)?

Either way, post-race I want to bring my quarq back with me instead of waiting for TBT to deliver it back (usually at least 1.5 weeks) as I'm crazy enough to have a century ride the following wknd, in which I'll use the quarq on my road bike.

I think I know my answer, but want the objectivity of da haus. What say you?


  • I'd ship it with the Quarq. Less moving parts or things to be worried about when you get to the race site. FWIW, I'lll be riding sans power once the bike is dropped at Tribike Transport. There are really only 3 rides left that I'll do without power and I can do those based on perceived effort. Nothing we do with those final rides will actually "help" on race day anyway.

    PS- raining buckets out there right now and I'm pissed I'm missing my ride! Grrrrrr.
  • Last year I TBT'd my bike from San Diego to Tremblant and left the Quarq on there, 2 weeks without power. I don't remember it being that big of a deal as I was pretty dialed in by that point.

    The only thing I can tell you with near 100% confidence is that you will not be able to put your Quarq in your carry-on. Obviously there is no specific restriction against cranks, but there is a general restriction on pretty much anything metal that is greater than 7 inches in length. In fact, ignoring the fact that a detached crank is somewhat reminiscent of a battle axe, in DC Rainmaker's review of the Stages power meter, he wasn't even allowed to bring just the single crank arm in a carry-on due to the same restriction.

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