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Teri's micro thread

I loaded up the IM plan for Kona.  I'll start it on Mon, week 13.  Kona is my A race but I have Vegas in 4 weeks. 

What changes can I make to the IM plan so I will be ready for Vegas.  i.e. more 80-85% work, or even some V02 work. I'm not too worried about the run, but the bike is another story.  Right now I don't feel like I could do a HIM @ 80-85% effort.


  • Teri, first go read the Revenge thread in the wiki under self coaching. In all honesty I would be thinking HIM training for much of your Kona prep given the work you have sustained all year already.

    You can't ride 85% right now b/c you JUST CRUSHED YOURSELF TO QUALIFY FOR KONA. You are sick fit, but sick tired. Rest is still best. Even if you do it right, you won't feel "good" until 8/26 ish...

    I suggest you drop in the HIM plan, but still take this week pretty easy. You can swim as you want, but bike should all be steady stuff not hard yet, maybe run 1-2x, short great form.

    Week of 8/19 you can up the bike. But not FTP work. So the intervals on Wed/Sat at 85% of your current FTP -- race specific stuff. Sunday is just a ride, not a hard one. Run 2-3x this week, still short not hard.

    Week 8/26 is your bike week where we dial in 2 x solid ABP rides = Wed and Sat. Wed is like 2 x 30' at ABP with 10' rest. Saturday is 6 x 20' @ z3/ABP with 5' rest...both have a run off the back as 20'...first 10' hard and fast...then 10' steady / zone 2. Swim as you want. Run for frequency (5x this week, incl the two bricks)...Thursday long run would be about 80 minutes, building easy / z1, steady/z2, then push it in z3/HMP for final 30 minutes.

    Keep me posted!

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