Home OutSeason (December '09)

Week 14 December Outseason

Hey Everyone!

Hope ya'all crushed it for your bike FTP test on Monday and run tests last night!

I did another bike stage race on Monday night in place of my test and although my FTP dropped 3 watts from my last test, the duration of this stage was almost 8 minutes longer than the course I tested on last time and it was a hilly course with tons of elevation change (mostly from up to even more up).    Run test last night yielded a 2 point gain which was a relief image    Would be more meaningful if I could have tested always on the same course, same time, same conditions, but the schedule didn't allow me to do that so the tests were definitely all about "functional pace and power" (as in running or riding in different scenarios like what I'd be exposed to when racing).   My next tests will be interesting as the bike race series will be over and I'll be able to fit it in properly and not do it on a "course" but just do a flat time-trial - same with the run test when I can actually access the track again.   All in all, feeling even stronger and confident going into the Spring.

Anyway, still basking in the afterglow of the amazing Olympic experience here in Vancouver.  Was so amazing to meet and cheer and generally hang-out with amazing people from all around the world who embraced the spirit of the games.  Of course the gold medal hockey game was quite "intense" - it was just great to see everyone (peeps from US, Europe, Canada, everywhere) just get completely wrapped up in the game itself and not just about "us versus them".

Made a lot of great new friends and I hope the coverage around the rest of the globe managed to capture just a teeny little bit of the positive vibe and amazing energy that was going on here for the last few weeks.

Fired up to finish the Outseason stronger than ever!




  • Tavis, glad that the Olympics were such a great time for you and Vancouver. I always thought it would be awesome to get to watch the best athletes in the world compete at the games. We get to see bits and pieces of the competitors since the training center is here but nothing compared to what that was for you guys. Haven't done the FTP test yet, been fighting some tightness in the hips for a couple of weeks and it is worst on the bike. Hopefully get that done Saturday. Started the run test last night and at about the 2 mile mark I managed to blow up so I shut it down and completed it tonight instead, managed to move my vdot 1 point this round. Since I saw great gains last time I am pretty happy with this one. Enjoy the rest of the OS.
  • Tavis:
    Hadn't noticed the links at the bottom of your email before so I had to go take a look. The shirt designs are some funny sh*t (I am glad that the kids weren't standing here when I went through them)!
  • Hey Mike!

    Thanks for the note - it was DEFINITELY an amazing time! For those of you with Facebook, feel free to add me and you can see all the dozens and dozens of picture updates I did while amongst the chaos. I had tons of my US friends giving me crap because I was updating scores and results on my facebook wall before they could even see or hear anything due to the delayed NBC (poor) coverage!

    Anyway, glad to hear you pulled it back together for the run test - I still had a problem with pacing this time around but the variance wasn't as bad as the first couple times image Good luck with your bike test and get on that stretching!

    haha, and thanks for dropping by gymskinz. All of those sayings are pretty much a result of my triathlon'ing experiences. I haven't been updating the site for quite a while but I'll be doing some big updates for this season. stay tuned!

  • Still in week 12 here 'enjoying' the 30/30s and such.

    Good luck with the tests Tavis
  • Thanx Cary!

    hope you're enjoying the 30/30's!!   I'm looking forward to seeing how the longer FTP intervals are going to feel after all this. 

  • I'm similarly a week or so behind, toiling through 30/30's and sprints. Looking forward to tests to see if I've improved as well. Glad Vancouver was a good time. Reminds me of all the fun I had during 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, excluding explosions and such. Got to drink with Spanish gold medal water polo team. Talk about some blokes who could drink.
  • Finsihing up week 14, test went well this week. I am up over 5 points on my VDOT and took almost two minutes off of my 5K. Feeling pretty good and getting a little leaner too. I thought we were going to leave the 30/30 work behind when we exited VO2, boy was I wrong. It looks like there is going to be more on Saturday. Gotta love them, huh? Good job guys and keep up the hard work.
  • 5 points Chuck - nice!

  • @Chuck - You are an ANIMAL. 2 minutes off your 5km is HUGE! I nearly puked to shave 35 seconds.

    On a plateau with my bike FTP - although as I've mentioned before, I'm using my Saturday race series time-trials as the bench-mark. This Saturday is an extended "rolling" sprint stage so the course profile should give me something better than the last 3 weeks of hill-climbing (where my girth definitely hasn't helped me when put up against those wily 150 pounders I'm racing against!)

  • @Travis - two things

    #1. don't tell anyone, but I did puke after my 5k. I wanted to finish hard so for the last 200 I was really focusing on "just get to the finish" and I did and it wan't pretty after that.

    #2. I totally identify with "where my girth definitely hasn't helped me when put up against those wily 150 pounders I'm racing against!". Let's jsut say that the downhills and gravity are REALLY good to me, but I am working on it.
  • @Chuck

    HAHA! That's awesome! There's a running joke (no pun intended) at the facility where I race/train/get tested that unless you puke at the end of the final stage - or come DANGEROUSLY close to it - you obviously didn't go hard enough. There's usually one of the other physiologists on hand at the end of the computrainer race stages shouting "anyone need the bin?!"... 3 people have yacked just as they cross the finish line this year image

    keep up the great work man!
  • Hey Dec OS Gang!

    Just did my week 14 FTP test - I'm up another 15 watts!!! I think I could have even pushed a little harder. Now I'm solidly over 200! Just in time for Tour of the Battenkill in 3 weeks!! I seriously need to get some outdoors & group rides in between now and then.

    No VDOT test for me this week. I'll try to sneak it in next week. NYC half marathon is on Sunday
  • Great job Cary! Enjoy the marathon this weekend!
  • Awesome Cary! 15 watts is a great improvement!

    Have a great time in NYC!!!!
  • Way to go Cary!!
  • 15 watts Cary? sweet!
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