Kerrie's Macro Thread
I'd like to do two IMs next year. I recognize that one may need to be lower priority. Is that reasonable or crazy? What would be the best timing between races? If it is not addressed on your soon-to-be-distributed season materials, what do you recommend in terms of prep races for IMs generally and what's an acceptable schedule? Tried to figure it out from the resources, but I couldn't tell if I was making the wrong choices. Thanks.
It's doable but, to be honest, we don't hear many experiences like "man, that decision to do a 2nd IM in the same season worked out awesome!!"
What races are you thinking about and I can tell if you're on track or whack.
Hi Coach - Just recovered from a flu-like infection that lasted from 10/3 - approx 1/15. During that time, rode my bike on the trainer fairly regularly and ran occasionally but both of those slowly and didn't swim. Was reset from NOS into JOS - tried JOS 1st 3 weeks but couldn't run much and bike was slow and missed a couple. Thought I was slacking a lot, but now that I feel back to normal, recognize that was skipping because I needed to those days. FINALLY completely back to normal and ready to get back to EN level effort.
1) Season plan - my A race this year was supposed to be IMLP; I still want to do an IM this year. Is IMLP realistic or do I need to find another race with a later date? If so, what timeframe?
2) For training - should I continue on with JOS week 4 or start over? Did a trainer workout instead of a run (was giving one last day to recovery) on Sunday, but otherwise have done last 4 workouts at EN level effort and feel fantastic. Need to get you a new season plan request with my 70.3, but figured that depended on your answer to #1 and wondered what to do this week. Thanks. Kerrie
Hey Kerrie,
Wow, that's a crazy long time to be sick! Yes, you can still do IMLP and it sounds like you're fine in OS Wk4 so just stay in that. Yes, submit another race survey and I'll plan it out for you.
Realize that I'm not using the coaching part of EN enough - read what you say to others and follow, just don't ask for me. Dumb, I know.
Looked at a map and figured out how close Middlebury, CT was to me (I'm still a Californian at heart), so planning on Quassy on my way to IMLP. How should I adjust my plan? Currently in week 13 of JOS. Thanks.
Hey Kerrie,
Here you go:
Also, I received your check for the Powertap and have told WB they can build and ship your order, so look for tracking information soon. Thanks and good luck!
So, finally got over the 6 month virus, was healthy for one week, and then caught viral bronchitis (hate viruses!). Finally over both viruses but now am in closer to off season (not EN out season) shape because of my inconsistent ability to train since LP last year. Is there any way to save this season in terms of an IM?
This year was supposed to be Quassy 70.3, then LP, with Chattanooga as a backup. Quassy 70.3 and LP are out, right (or can those be saved in 39 days and 13 weeks respectively)? So, assuming you can't work that kind of miracle, is a Quassy Oly recommended? Is Chattanooga (22 weeks) ok or should I look for something further out? How far out? Or should I just give up on an IM this year and plan for next (don't want to but trust you)? If so, what should I focus on instead? Thanks!
From a training, coach-y, coach-y perspective, the better path would be IMChat, preceded by Quassy Oly (gives you something to focus on for the next ~6wks) then another race (Oly or HIM) about 7-9wks out from IMChatt.
But the bigger question, and only question that matters, frankly, is if ^this^ is doable for your personally, professionally, etc. Zero concerns for me with you going from your current fitness to an IM in 22wks. But other real life considerations should be your primary decision drivers.
Real life is pulled together - and those considerations are fine with whatever you recommend (otherwise I'd mention them). I'd like your take on what would be a reasonable use of this year. I'd say I'm in offseason (not outseason shape). Have been working out fairly regularly for last few weeks, mostly hour long rides with some intervals and hour runs that aren't particularly fast. Less swimming b/c always ended up coughing after 20 minutes.
Would it be reasonable to try to train for IMFL (20 weeks)? Concerned about Chat with only 16 weeks left. Coz would give me 24, but weather changes in DC make Coz's heat/humidity more of a challenge - but maybe I'm overthinking that. Would prefer not to lose this entire year because the doctors didn't catch a reaction to antibiotics for so long (and they are the "top docs"), if you think starting now is reasonable. Or should I really just focus on something else this year? Thanks.
Hi Kerrie,
Great to see you finally have this kicked!!
I have no coachy-coachy, trainy-trainy concerns with you doing IMFL or IMCoz. IMChatt might be a little tight but it's still doable. IMO, this is 100% a decision based on which race works best for you, with regards to personal life, work, family schedules, $$$$ for travel, etc. So just sort that out, let me know what you decide and we'll go from there.
This year was a complete washout. 12 days after cracking a rib or two, I fell and damaged my AC joint right before 4th of July. Had a cortisone shot 4 weeks ago with no improvement. Doctor mentioned surgery for the first time today (bones clearly still out of alignment), but waiting another 6 weeks before discussing.
What should I do for workouts for the next 6 weeks? I can ride road bike on trainer. Limited in terms of running (the jarring irritates the joint), swimming (hurts to move the arm up, out, or back), or anything involving more than a pound or two for my right arm (physically able but hurts). Pain is apparently bad because irritation makes the bones less likely to go back into alignment. Thank you!
So sorry to hear about your issues! Your number one priority should be to get healthy. Beyond that, you could use the Bike Focus training plan, as that will have the most indoor-esque, time efficient workouts already in it. You'll then just ignore the running.
On the backend of your surgery you need to follow the doc and PT advice, and more importantly have a long term view of the process. Recommend you don't put any races on the calendar earlier than 3mo out, so you don't have a date on the calendar that causes you to want to rush / accelerate the recovery process.
Hi Coach -
Happy New Year. Had surgery to fix my separated shoulder issues and a partially torn rotator cuff on December 10th. Able to start riding indoors (probably stationary bike, then trainer) on December 31st. Likely able to run soon (hoping days or a few weeks. Should be able to start swimming in 3 months or so.
I haven't really swum at all or run much since July, and I haven't ridden indoors much in two months (after July 2, couldn't ride outdoors and indoor intensity and duration limited). In my defense, pre-surgery imaging & operative photos explained why.
My original 2015 plan was Quassy, then Lake Placid, with a couple training appropriate but less important other events. Given my current lack of fitness, is it a better idea to reschedule now for a November race? Timing doesn't make a difference as far as the rest of my life is concerned. Thank you.
Hey Kerrie,
Unfortunately, I know exactly what that timeline is like, as I had probably the same surgery on 1/17/12. I was in a sling for 6wks (but probably stopped using it full time after about 4wks, cuz that's how I roll). Homey don't ride a trainer so I probably started riding in early/mid March and running about the same time? I did PT and stuff through about May. Took the shoulder for a spin in the pool in August so well outside of your timeline. Actually, if I recall, I don't think my doc wanted to me to run until after another 6-8wks, wanting to avoid the arm swinging?
My recommendation is to not put anything on the calendar that creates a target by which you need to reach physical milestones of X, Y, and Z before the race. Because this timeline may very well not be sync with your recovery and thereby increase the chances of you doing something stupid. In particular, I think you're going to experience some friction getting your run back (maybe get some timeline clarification from your doc) and who knows about your swim? I had been dealing with chronic shoulder pain since 15yo so swimming in pain was my default. Probably not the best person to ask
Ok, coach. You were right about recovery time. Finally ready to really get back to work.
The ultimate goal is to be faster at IMs. Today, my shoulder is pretty close to normal (90-95%, maybe?), but my triathlon fitness is, uh, offseason (nope, not Outseason, unfortunately). So, think of the first day of whatever you plan as Day 1.
With the ultimate goal (assuming next year, although this year would be great) of being faster at IM distance, what is the best use of this year to accomplish that since it is already 4/21? Thanks.
Can you submit this to me, with any races or events you're thinking of for 2015, via the Triathlon Season Roadmap tool, under the Training tab above? This will get me everything I need to plan this out formally for you. Thanks!
IM Chattanooga-related scheduling question. Camp is the same weekend as the 70.3 I was thinking of as the warm-up for the IM. I have 2 on the schedule already, but earlier (5/22 - Chat 70.3 - and 7/10 - Rev3 Williamsburg). What would you recommend? Thanks.
The HIM on 7/10 would be better timing, though the May race isn't bad either. If you're asking me which one race to do and which to drop, the July timing is better. But if you can do both of them, that works well too.
Hi Coach -
I need some help figuring out the right IM for next year. I'm looking to maximize my changes of being able to train appropriately and finish. The big issue is temperature (work, family, etc. are equivalent for any race). I now should avoid extreme temperatures for both training and racing. I live in DC, so it is hard to guarantee that I can train outside on any given day in late August (training/treadmill available, of course). Temp doesn't have to be perfect, just that if someone else would have a bad day because of the heat (90s+ or 85 and humid, maybe), I'm going to have a really bad day or DNF. Given those parameters, can you suggest an IM (and a lead-up half since I haven't raced for a while) that give me the best chance at making it to the finish line? Thank you.