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Team EN Update 8.23.13

TeamEN Update 8.23.13

In This Issue:

  • EN Wants You! National Rally Registration OPEN

  • Race Update

  • IM Wisconsin Important Messages

  • National Rally Video Intro

  • From The Wiki

  • IM Tahoe 4 Keys Registration

  • Want to fit Toughman into your calendar? COUPON CODE!

  • GOLD =  Chattanooga FOR YOU

Team EN Gang Sign, y'all!



EN Wants You!

Team! Join Rich, Patrick and your teammates for our second annual National Training Rally in Tucson, Arizona.

The 2014 edition will run from April 2nd to 6th, and will include multiple opportunities to swim, bike and run with the coaches. We have revamped the camp with some feedback from last year's attendees…it's going to be better and cheaper!!! In addition to all the training and learning awesomeness, each attendee will get a personal sit down consultation with the coaches for their season. See a video about it here.

To learn more about the camp, please visit the official registration page below. Register before November 1st to save $100 off the official camp price…and last years folks save an additional $100 off the regular price as well.

Race Update

Congrats to everyone who raced Ironman Mont Tremblant and Timberman 70.3 this past weekend. Check out the 100% finisher rate from IMMT here and give them your congratulations here. Nice work Team!

IMWisconsin Folks

Webinar Monday August 18 Sign Up Here:, T-shirt order deadline: August 26th Order your shirt here: FREE to member, nominal fee to members families and friends.  When clicking on link select athlete or not and the price will adjust. REMEMBER: Bios and Pics DUE August 30th.

Podcast Channel

New video, y’all. National Rally Intro for you.

IM Lake Tahoe 4 Keys Talk

Registration is OPEN. It’s Friday, September 20 from 10:30a-12p.

Coupon for Toughman - EN EXCLUSIVE!

Team EN has been offered a $25 coupon code to the 2013 Toughman Triathlon on Sept 8th.

Please use the following directions to register:

1. Go to Active.com to register

2. When you reach the Step 4 - Checkout page, enter the following Coupon Code: ENDUR25

3. This will reduce the current fee by $25.00

This coupon expires 8/25/13

Challenge Updates: IM Tri Club Challenge GOLD won at Timberman (and possibly IMMT)!

Reap the sweet rewards your teammates have so awesomely attained with EARLY SLOTS FOR CHATTANOOGA!

Interested? Just fill out this form and the WTC will be in touch in a couple of weeks.

You’re amazing.

High fives from afar,



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