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Running the transitions

4 weeks out from Chesapeakeman and I'm thinking of trying new and exciting things. I was thinking of running the transitions instead of the thirty steps. I'm doing this mainly to see how it feels compared to walking and how difficult is it to take in nutrition.


  • Another reason is when I stop running and walk it breaks rhythm and stiffens me up, ESP in hips
  • I thought the 30 steps refers to aid stations, not transitions. I would have nothing to live for in the IM marathon if I could not walk the aid stations. They are my carrot, my reward, my only reason for living during the IM. I cherish every step, every gulp of water and coke while dreading that point I designated where I must begin the slog to the next treasured stop!
  • Don't do it. You'll end up going slower overall

    - using the different muscle sets in walking vs running actually helps reduce pain during and after the race,
    - Letting you HR slow a little while drinking aids absorption in the gut by allowing more blood flow there vs muscles, even if only for a short time
    - Paul's point,with which I agree 1000%, should not be underestimated. The mental break every 8-10 minutes is lifesaving.
    - Finally, my personal experience is, my times started dropping once I adopted strategic running in the IM marathon.

    But then, if you just want to find out for yourself ....
  • Listen to Al.....

    I used the aid station walking only lateron in the IM Marathon initially.... This worked well enough for me to finish and run every mile between aid stations... But I was stubborn and didnt want to try it from the first mile.... Long story short... when I did the result was IM marathon PR.... It works and it works best if you do it from the beginning at mile 1...
  • Sorry Aid Stations.
  • One goal I have for the next race (same as John) is to not let 30 steps become 35 and so on. I want to grab a cup of Gatorade drink it down dump a cup of water on my head and then start up again
  • Great points guys. I remember looking forward to the aid stations. Maybe I'll try Nates approach and keep it at 30 steps.
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