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Was this the right thing to say

As some of you know I am teaching 15 6th graders on bike repair and safety. So last week we were taking a bike completely apart and one of the kids say "this bike is very dirty" I tell them this is not my bike as I keep my bike as clean as possible.

So the kid asks "why do you need to keep your bike clean?"

As I quickly answer well if you don't Coach Rich comes by and kicks you in the Nutz  I was told that was not a proper response by the aide.


I think it was the right answer.


  • Ha! Coach P is like the boogeyman of bike hygeine. He is always watching.....

  •  I'm sure it wasn't the first time they heard something like that. 

  • you kill me.

  • Steve,

    There's a Saturday Night Live skit called Mr. Inappropriate where this guy just says all sorts of off color inappropriate stuff.  There's a little tune after each time he says something that goes like,  'he's mi-ster, in-a-ppro-priate!'  We usually sing it to my Dad all the time.  I think you can be the EN Mr. Inappropriate. 


  • I am always a fan of giving the proper information to a kid. You are too funny!
  • A kick in the nutz is worth two dirty bikes in the bush. You did him a favor!
  • So, I was just looking up some info on kids' triathlons.  Started typing "kids" into the google taskbar.  Got interrupted after "ki", and google had an autofill suggestion of "kick to the nuts".

    So, of course, I had to click on it.  The first link was here

    (embedding was disabled). 

    Made me think of Rich.


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