Haus and WSM,
Please have a look at my RR plan and tell me where I am screwing up :-)
IMLT Race Rehearsal 2
Friday 9/6/13 I plan to eat a big breakfast and then taper food throughout the day grazing on pretzels, bagels, Fig Newtons to simulate pre-race day nutrition. Stay Hydrated with Nuun, water, sports drink. Little to No Fiber. Final bike prep, nutrition prep, and safety inspection.
Final OWS 2.4 mile in full wetsuit at race pace. Goal is 1:30/100 or 1:03:00
Plan to take a gel about 30 mins prior to simulate race day nutrition.
Bedtime of 10:30 PM wish it was earlier but SAU must be earned going to kids football game.
Saturday 9/7/13
3:30 am – wake up
4:00 am – Breakfast consisting of:
4.5 cups of Unsweetened Apple Sauce
1 banana
1 scoop of whey protein
20 oz of Perform
4:30 am – 6:30 am get into full party gear including: tri-bibs, calf sleeves, Jersey, Aero Helmet. Retrieve days nutrition from fridge, counter etc... and wait for the applesauce to do its thing!
6:00 am 1 powerbar
6:45 am 1 gel + 8oz of water
7:00 am I roll out for a 6 hr date with my garmin.
Bike Goals:
1. Overall IF of .70 or 162 watts
2. Per EN guidelines first 60 mins at JRA pace of 149 watts
3. Remainder is smooth and steady at 162 watts, hitting lap counter every 30 mins, and sitting up and stretching back, kneck, shoulders. Otherwise its aero with nose glued to my number. If I screw up a 30 min block, forget about it and move on.
4. I have several smaller climbs and one 3 mile climb at mile 52 of this course. Need to spin up those hills, and try to keep watts under 200 for the big climb. This will be challenging!
5. Pee at least twice on the bike
6. If something is going to go wrong, lets have it happen here!
Nutrition will consist of 1-2 24oz bottles of Perform per hour based on temperature, rotating 1-gel+1 clif block, and ½ powerbar every 30 mins. If it’s above 80 degrees I plan to take two S-caps every 90 mins. Target of 90-100 CHO/hour on the bike.
1:00 PM Off the bike, and transitioning for the run, eat 1 banana and 1 gel while transitioning
Run Goals:
1. Per EN guidelines first 6 miles at 11:30/mile pace
2. 30 steps at mile markers to simulate aid stations
3. 1-gel + 1 block at 30 mins
4. Alternate 4 oz of perform or 4 oz of Nuun at mile marker
5. Pay attention to RPE, and heart rate, adjust pace accordingly.
Two comments ... Why not move everything back an hour, to start @8 AMlike you will on race day.
Personally, I think solid food on the run is a bad idea, so i would forgo the banana in T2
I have tried to hold my watts to 170 and usually can until the road tips up past 8% then it gets really hard since I would be riding at 4 mph. I really need to get better at this!
Got it no nanners on the run :-)
Thanks for the advice
Can't wait to meet you in a couple weeks.