....and yes, it is literally pouring here in Rochester this morning! I had my follow up appointment with my foot doc this morning and he says I am "getting there" (whatever that means in doctor language). His specialty is PF and he said I can expect to heal up by June / July if I follow his foot exercise / stretching protocol religiously. I cannot run for 4 weeks, but can pool run, ellipitical or bike (and swim again once I see the shoulder guy next Friday morning, but more on that when I have details). He also said that the HIM is out for this year, but I can shoot for the sprint or OLY offered here on 9/7. Bummed does not begin to cover it, but I know you have rehabbed through your own injury so the key here is positivitiy even when it really sucks to be positive.
Let me know your thoughts as to how I should proceed with training plans, etc. I am signed up for the Tour de Cure century on 6/8, so at least I have something to look forward to.
Beth - but also there is a light at the end if the tunnel! I think we double down on the bike stuff...can you find one or two other bike events to fill out your season? We can close out the bike focus plan and then jump to the short course plan (modified, via the micro, as needed). But let me know what you think re the season stuff!
Super late in update --> went to see a shoulder doc last week and bailed on the appt b/c he was running 45 min behind and I didn't have the time or patience to wait. A good friend is a very talented LMT and is treating my shoulder (she says tight pec's not rotator cuff) and foot. Her hope is in 3 more weeks I will be good to go. I've loaded the Intermediate Bike Focus to give me more time on the time. I swim on Monday's (easy stuff 1400 combo of kick and no stress swim) do Yoga or the elliptical on Wed, and follow plan rest of week with rest or bike on Sat / Sun depending on what we have on the schedule. In the past two weeks, I've seen a gain of 1+ mph, which for me is HUGE -- the bike has been my weakest link.
I am going to go ahead and sign up for a sprint on 9/7, with the sincerest hope that I will kick this one out of the water.
Yes, there is light at the end of the tunnel, but next time, I want this junk in an email, not in the form of an injury.
Super late in update --> went to see a shoulder doc last week and bailed on the appt b/c he was running 45 min behind and I didn't have the time or patience to wait. A good friend is a very talented LMT and is treating my shoulder (she says tight pec's not rotator cuff) and foot. Her hope is in 3 more weeks I will be good to go. I've loaded the Intermediate Bike Focus to give me more time on the time. I swim on Monday's (easy stuff 1400 combo of kick and no stress swim) do Yoga or the elliptical on Wed, and follow plan rest of week with rest or bike on Sat / Sun depending on what we have on the schedule. In the past two weeks, I've seen a gain of 1+ mph, which for me is HUGE -- the bike has been my weakest link.
I am going to go ahead and sign up for a sprint on 9/7, with the sincerest hope that I will kick this one out of the water.
Yes, there is light at the end of the tunnel, but next time, I want this junk in an email, not in the form of an injury.
I am doing my first century on Sunday and would like to know how to pace it. The 4 keys video from IMLP says first 1-1.5 hours on bike is just the warm up, then settle in. Shall I find look to an IM pacing strategy? I rode 80 on Sunday and pace was slightly slower than the 60 I did two weeks ago. I know a charity ride is not about time....
Shoulder update: I saw an orthoped a couple of weeks ago. I had an XRay that shows some arthritis in the shoulder, but nothing disclocated. He did range of motion tests and found that my symptoms are common of someone who has been swimming for 30 years. He suggested PT exercises and gave me a shot of cortesione (first time ever) and told me to come back in 7 weeks. I've been swimming once a week, about 1600-1700 depending on time availability. Per Rich, I am to load SC plan once BF is over this week. I feel like for the next couple of weeks I need to ease back into swim volume.
PF update: I think it is mostly gone. Question is how do I transition back to running without re-injuring myself? I thought about a HIM this year, but I don't think it is realistic for the family schedule.
140.6 question: I would like to try for an IM next year. I know that EN protocol is what fits for the athlete, the athlete's family, and the macro family / life schedule, but if you could recommend one to think about that is associated with an EN camp, which one would it be? My first choice is Mont Tremblant, second is Louisville, dead last is Placid, wild card is Maryland.
Beth!!! Thanks for the updates. Yes the first hour of that ride should be easy, almost the first hour of everyone of your ride should be easy. We want you to kind of settle in and get the nutrition going and then build your effort across the rest of the day. Have fun.
I really don't want you something too hard right now. It'll be nice to get you in the pool two times a week, probably in the 1500 range each time. I'd be happy with that. All skills no real effort.
The running is not much different, I'd like you to build up to doing 5x20 minute runs a week. Over time you can start to consolidate them getting yourself down to 3x45 minute runs and working from there. Frequency first as a tool for consistency and durability will follow.
I don't think the get fast plan is really the right option for you given how you need to recover on the swim in the run simultaneously. Maybe reach out to Rich for some other advice and the macro?
We are publishing those key races right now. They include Placid, Chattanooga, Florida.
Reached out to Rich in the Macro re:swimming re: swim and run recovery.
Ride went well. I feel that I hit nutrition and hydration so that made me happy. I was a little faster than the 80 miler last week and that made me happy too. Wish I could have been a 0.5 mile faster overall, but there is plenty of time for that. I did a little jog from the car to the food tent post ride and holy cannoli,it was like running through mud. But, there is plenty of time for that too.
I pick up SC plan this week. Advice on recovery? Other than fatigue, my muscles feel pretty good today. Going to hit some yoga, but am scheduled to ride tomorrow, which if I remember correctly is the primary get fast ride.
You are on track! I would be relatively conservative with my numbers / targets at least until the weekend. The workouts are important to help you recover; we don't want you to overreach and cause any issues -- short term or long term.
Quick update from the foot doc - I can run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing too much too soon, but I was able to slog through a 10 minute run this morning. I loaded the intermediate SC plan, and wonder what the difference is between the Intermediate and Beginner plans. I loaded intermediate but if it is better that I load beginner, let me know.
SWEET!! beginner for 4 weeks before we consider adjusting. We want to get you used to the baseline load of all three sports. When it says run you can run but keep it to 20' a session week 2 (week 1 is 10'), then 30' in week three and 40' in week four. The. We can discuss!!
So the update --> PF is still hanging on. I have a new chiropractor, some new inserts, still taping and hoping. With regard to 4x a week runs - will my training and race be impacted if I cut back to 3 or do the 4 at only MS? Doc says I can do the sprint 9/7, and if I am not healed post-race, he will boot me and give me a cortisone shot. . Want to crush course, but want get this thing over with.
Have you gotten any hate mail for saying this is your first real injury in 30+ years? I know how frustrating it can be, but clearly this is a long-term issue that, when solved, will really help you move to the next level.
....no one has bopped me over the head with a gel yet!
Adjusted schedule is going well. I cross checked my training from last year and even though at this point in '13, I had only been with EN a few weeks, this year, my bike miles are way up, bike pace is about the same (but the distance is longer, so I think that is huge. The pace numbers did not really jump until August). My run miles are down by 1 (On short days, I was doing 3 miles vs the 2 I am doing now), but the pace is faster (??!!) depending on the day.
I did an OWS on Sunday and clocked 1:43's per 100, so I am SUPER psyched about that especially since this is the same lake where the tri will be swum.
This data (I can be a data geek) gives me great hope for 9/7. I met up with EN'er Doug Johnson, and after he recovers from Placid, he's agreed do some workouts on the tri course with me.
I have the opportunity for another OWS tonight, so I am doing that, tomorrow I will bike instead of 5K test (I will do 2x15 min pushes and try to hit a 20 mile ride). Foot is trending a lot better, so for Sunday's run, I am going to try for 3 miles, and do 2 x 1/2 mile sprints, but not the 1 mile sprint.
Love it!!!! You are focused and moving forward. I have found that with most women, the data is only 1/2 the story. Most of you are WAY TOUGHER than what your watch shows, and that shows up on race day. Seriously. Really looking forward to your race, and if you are meeting up with Doug, I want PICS!!!
So, chiro gave thumbs up to hit this training block hard. I will probably be taped for the next four weeks, but if it means I can run, than I will take it. Bike numbers bumped in today's ride - .6 mph from last week, so I am excited about that. Hit 3.13 miles off the bike - still struggling with speed - had dreadful positive splits in miles 2 and 3 - but to be at goal distance is a win. Hopefully in the next four weeks, I can bring those numbers down. I realize this race is about the finish given I am still injured, but boy, oh boy, do I want to kick it out of the water.
I will be keeping your toughness assessment in mind - thanks for that!
Great! Take a day off if you need it...and your secret is great nutrition and steady pacing. Both are, many times, MORE powerful than fitness on race day.
Awesome race at IMMT! So great to see all the amazing EN results.
So, this season is ending up to be a suffer-fest, I need some wicked smart veteran advice. My numbers are nothing like they were last summer and it is going to be a huge challenge for me to do my sprint. I saw my doc today who has ordered a ton of bloodwork for me to figure out what the heck is going on. I have zero energy, when I run, it's like going through cement, everything in my body aches and I am so tired is it insane, added to the fact that no matter what I eat, don't eat, I've gained 3# (which doesn't freak him out, but has freaked me out), and the stoopid PF hasn't gone away. I do not have a crazy-high end job like some of my fellow team mates. I work PT, around my daughters school and life schedules (they are 11 and 13), and continue to develop my own small business, so I don't have some of the life stressors others may have.
I have my RR on Sunday and then the last couple of weeks of my SC plan. I just have no idea what to do. I've seen acupuncturists, chiropractors, pt's.......I almost registered for MT on Tuesday, and was as close as punching in my cc and hitting register, but my husband talked me out of it until we figure out what is wrong health-wise. Bummed, because '15 was my target year.
I know you are super busy, but please chime in when you can.
Beth - Thanks for reaching out. You are right to get the blood work and check in...to be clear, starting a small biz is MUCH harder than some "high end job" like your teammates. I speak from experience! I am not worried about any numbers, we just want you to be healthy and active. The work you are still doing counts, even if your body is resisting. I'd like you to continue training without emphasis on performance until we can figure out your situation. At the very least I think we are looking at a few solid weeks off after your race!!
As always, thank you! So, my blood work screed back negative, and that is a good thing. Second, in the last week my left medial meniscus became inflammed (can anything else get suckier?). I have clearance to race, and will be getting taped on Friday, which is two days before the race.
Two weeks ago, my RR went well - swim was great (water was 76, so no wetsuit and the weather looks like 72 and sunny on Sunday and given the toasty temps today and Friday, I don't see the lake dropping that much as it is pretty shallow), ride went well (only mishap was that I dropped my chain on the second hill, from big to small in front, so I think my goal will be to stay in big and get out of the saddle - I am going to try to ride the course tomorrow am and can check back with you if needed on that). Run was okay - positive splits, but at least I was running.
I ate in T2 (my family staged transition for me) - 2 cliff shot blocks with water. Scratch Daily was on the bike. I will probably just go with water on Sunday. Gel before swim, shot blocks or gel in T2.
Doug and Ed will be doing the OLY so there will be some great team mojo for me.
If you have any last minute advice, I would appreciate it. I can check back with you and Rich post race for a plan going forward. I will most likely have to incorporate some weight training in the OS, which according to my chiro is the latest reasearch in preventing PF, which I get frequently, plus I am gastroc domininate.
Here is my experience and I really don't quite know what to make of it. Today was just weird, weird, and weird.
I had myself marked for Tim Jenks and my friend Mindy, who lost both of her parents in a horrific plane crash on Friday (you may have read about it as it was all over local and national news)
The swim, was, in a word, weird. I made a split second decision not to swim with a wetsuit due to lake temp sitting at 72, and the morning was warming up fast. The swim was to be .47 miles, but my garmin clocked it at .93 miles, and my time would be more indicative of what my mile swim would look like vs a .5 mile swim. In fact, I swam in the lake on Thursday on the approximate course and the times were within 4 seconds of each other. There was traffic in the beginning as they swam both M/F 45-49 together, for a total of 60 athletes in the wave, and 7min intervals between each wave. I felt that I overcame that well, and settled into my own zone of water as best as possible. "official time;" 19:18 including the trip down the gravel road. Garmin time: 17:02 / .93 miles (last year I was 13:36 for .83 miles)
The transition from the swim exit to T1 was evil for my foot, and it was nearly .25 miles! ZIKES! I stayed on the grass and avoided the gravel as much as possible, gritted my teeth and survived.
T1 - I sat down (and tried to pee to no avail!), put my helmet, sunglasses, socks and shoes and headed out the door. This was another looooong run-ish to the bike mount line.
Bike: Hopped on, followed my cue sheet, watched my gearing, pacing, eating, drinking and felt I executed an excellent bike. I forgot to hit lap on the garmin, but could see that I was at 3.33 to 3.35 per mile, which is where I wanted to be. I paid attention to cadence and felt I kept that where it should be. At the bike dismount line, it was another looong slog to the timing mat, which is where I think I lost time, because I swear I did not feel I was doing 15.36MPH. When I did my RR on the course, I was at 16.6 and last year, I hit 17.3, so I have no clue what went wrong. Official time: 50.46 for 13.7-ish miles.
T2 - Sat down again, dropped bike shoes, put on running shoes, dropped helmet, tried to pee and headed out the door. I knew this was going to be difficult for me as I have been injured since January and have kept mileage low and doing lots more volume on bike and swim, including pool running. No speed work for me this season. So, my garmin showed my time at 30.20, with a pace at 9.12 for 3.30 miles, while final results showed 30.16 for the 5K at 9.46's. Last year I was at 8.11's so I really tried to let that pace go. My official finish time is close to my garmin time, so I think this is a write off to timing mat hell.
Overall, given the circumtances, I think I did okay. I netted 5th in my new AG, which with my finish time, would usually be top 20, so all the zippy women must have been elsewhere. There is a friend who I know has stalked my results and wants to beat me, so I can chalk this one up to keeping her in the dark and hope to hell I get healthy for next season so that she has no chance to beat me.
I know what EN training did for me in 8 weeks last year, so I need to keep the lights on and know better things are coming.
Please let me know your thoughts, where to go next and whether I talk to you or Rich about conceptualizing for 2015.
Beth, I think you did a great job considering what limitations you have had this year...while the fitness wasn't there, you put together a solid race...time to recover and refocus on next year, starting with a great and healthy foundation.
Rich can lay out a plan for you but I personally think you'll want a few months to get the baseline right -- yoga, self care, maybe some run durability work...then pick up the OS in Jan? What's on the table for next year?
Dropped in Post Outseason plan until I touch base with Coach Rich. It is pretty minimalist and perfect for me right now. Last year did NOS, but would be happy with JOS too.
For next year, I am thinking a 10K (May), a sprint (not sure June or July) and an OLY (August). 2016 will be HIM and 2017 will be IM.
Just need to survive my daughter Emma's, first XC season, then I can breathe.
....and yes, it is literally pouring here in Rochester this morning! I had my follow up appointment with my foot doc this morning and he says I am "getting there" (whatever that means in doctor language). His specialty is PF and he said I can expect to heal up by June / July if I follow his foot exercise / stretching protocol religiously. I cannot run for 4 weeks, but can pool run, ellipitical or bike (and swim again once I see the shoulder guy next Friday morning, but more on that when I have details). He also said that the HIM is out for this year, but I can shoot for the sprint or OLY offered here on 9/7. Bummed does not begin to cover it, but I know you have rehabbed through your own injury so the key here is positivitiy even when it really sucks to be positive.
Let me know your thoughts as to how I should proceed with training plans, etc. I am signed up for the Tour de Cure century on 6/8, so at least I have something to look forward to.
Super late in update --> went to see a shoulder doc last week and bailed on the appt b/c he was running 45 min behind and I didn't have the time or patience to wait. A good friend is a very talented LMT and is treating my shoulder (she says tight pec's not rotator cuff) and foot. Her hope is in 3 more weeks I will be good to go. I've loaded the Intermediate Bike Focus to give me more time on the time. I swim on Monday's (easy stuff 1400 combo of kick and no stress swim) do Yoga or the elliptical on Wed, and follow plan rest of week with rest or bike on Sat / Sun depending on what we have on the schedule. In the past two weeks, I've seen a gain of 1+ mph, which for me is HUGE -- the bike has been my weakest link.
I am going to go ahead and sign up for a sprint on 9/7, with the sincerest hope that I will kick this one out of the water.
Yes, there is light at the end of the tunnel, but next time, I want this junk in an email, not in the form of an injury.
here you go:
Super late in update --> went to see a shoulder doc last week and bailed on the appt b/c he was running 45 min behind and I didn't have the time or patience to wait. A good friend is a very talented LMT and is treating my shoulder (she says tight pec's not rotator cuff) and foot. Her hope is in 3 more weeks I will be good to go. I've loaded the Intermediate Bike Focus to give me more time on the time. I swim on Monday's (easy stuff 1400 combo of kick and no stress swim) do Yoga or the elliptical on Wed, and follow plan rest of week with rest or bike on Sat / Sun depending on what we have on the schedule. In the past two weeks, I've seen a gain of 1+ mph, which for me is HUGE -- the bike has been my weakest link.
I am going to go ahead and sign up for a sprint on 9/7, with the sincerest hope that I will kick this one out of the water.
Yes, there is light at the end of the tunnel, but next time, I want this junk in an email, not in the form of an injury.
I am doing my first century on Sunday and would like to know how to pace it. The 4 keys video from IMLP says first 1-1.5 hours on bike is just the warm up, then settle in. Shall I find look to an IM pacing strategy? I rode 80 on Sunday and pace was slightly slower than the 60 I did two weeks ago. I know a charity ride is not about time....
Shoulder update: I saw an orthoped a couple of weeks ago. I had an XRay that shows some arthritis in the shoulder, but nothing disclocated. He did range of motion tests and found that my symptoms are common of someone who has been swimming for 30 years. He suggested PT exercises and gave me a shot of cortesione (first time ever) and told me to come back in 7 weeks. I've been swimming once a week, about 1600-1700 depending on time availability. Per Rich, I am to load SC plan once BF is over this week. I feel like for the next couple of weeks I need to ease back into swim volume.
PF update: I think it is mostly gone. Question is how do I transition back to running without re-injuring myself? I thought about a HIM this year, but I don't think it is realistic for the family schedule.
140.6 question: I would like to try for an IM next year. I know that EN protocol is what fits for the athlete, the athlete's family, and the macro family / life schedule, but if you could recommend one to think about that is associated with an EN camp, which one would it be? My first choice is Mont Tremblant, second is Louisville, dead last is Placid, wild card is Maryland.
I really don't want you something too hard right now. It'll be nice to get you in the pool two times a week, probably in the 1500 range each time. I'd be happy with that. All skills no real effort.
The running is not much different, I'd like you to build up to doing 5x20 minute runs a week. Over time you can start to consolidate them getting yourself down to 3x45 minute runs and working from there. Frequency first as a tool for consistency and durability will follow.
I don't think the get fast plan is really the right option for you given how you need to recover on the swim in the run simultaneously. Maybe reach out to Rich for some other advice and the macro?
We are publishing those key races right now. They include Placid, Chattanooga, Florida.
Reached out to Rich in the Macro re:swimming re: swim and run recovery.
Ride went well. I feel that I hit nutrition and hydration so that made me happy. I was a little faster than the 80 miler last week and that made me happy too. Wish I could have been a 0.5 mile faster overall, but there is plenty of time for that. I did a little jog from the car to the food tent post ride and holy cannoli,it was like running through mud. But, there is plenty of time for that too.
I pick up SC plan this week. Advice on recovery? Other than fatigue, my muscles feel pretty good today. Going to hit some yoga, but am scheduled to ride tomorrow, which if I remember correctly is the primary get fast ride.
Thank you!
Quick update from the foot doc - I can run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing too much too soon, but I was able to slog through a 10 minute run this morning. I loaded the intermediate SC plan, and wonder what the difference is between the Intermediate and Beginner plans. I loaded intermediate but if it is better that I load beginner, let me know.
Thank you,
So the update --> PF is still hanging on. I have a new chiropractor, some new inserts, still taping and hoping. With regard to 4x a week runs - will my training and race be impacted if I cut back to 3 or do the 4 at only MS? Doc says I can do the sprint 9/7, and if I am not healed post-race, he will boot me and give me a cortisone shot.
How are things going with your adjusted schedule?
Adjusted schedule is going well. I cross checked my training from last year and even though at this point in '13, I had only been with EN a few weeks, this year, my bike miles are way up, bike pace is about the same (but the distance is longer, so I think that is huge. The pace numbers did not really jump until August). My run miles are down by 1 (On short days, I was doing 3 miles vs the 2 I am doing now), but the pace is faster (??!!) depending on the day.
I did an OWS on Sunday and clocked 1:43's per 100, so I am SUPER psyched about that especially since this is the same lake where the tri will be swum.
This data (I can be a data geek) gives me great hope for 9/7. I met up with EN'er Doug Johnson, and after he recovers from Placid, he's agreed do some workouts on the tri course with me.
I have the opportunity for another OWS tonight, so I am doing that, tomorrow I will bike instead of 5K test (I will do 2x15 min pushes and try to hit a 20 mile ride).
Foot is trending a lot better, so for Sunday's run, I am going to try for 3 miles, and do 2 x 1/2 mile sprints, but not the 1 mile sprint.
Even under injury, work works!
I will be keeping your toughness assessment in mind - thanks for that!
Awesome race at IMMT! So great to see all the amazing EN results.
So, this season is ending up to be a suffer-fest, I need some wicked smart veteran advice. My numbers are nothing like they were last summer and it is going to be a huge challenge for me to do my sprint. I saw my doc today who has ordered a ton of bloodwork for me to figure out what the heck is going on. I have zero energy, when I run, it's like going through cement, everything in my body aches and I am so tired is it insane, added to the fact that no matter what I eat, don't eat, I've gained 3# (which doesn't freak him out, but has freaked me out), and the stoopid PF hasn't gone away. I do not have a crazy-high end job like some of my fellow team mates. I work PT, around my daughters school and life schedules (they are 11 and 13), and continue to develop my own small business, so I don't have some of the life stressors others may have.
I have my RR on Sunday and then the last couple of weeks of my SC plan. I just have no idea what to do. I've seen acupuncturists, chiropractors, pt's.......I almost registered for MT on Tuesday, and was as close as punching in my cc and hitting register, but my husband talked me out of it until we figure out what is wrong health-wise. Bummed, because '15 was my target year.
I know you are super busy, but please chime in when you can.
Thanks so much,
As always, thank you! So, my blood work screed back negative, and that is a good thing. Second, in the last week my left medial meniscus became inflammed (can anything else get suckier?). I have clearance to race, and will be getting taped on Friday, which is two days before the race.
Two weeks ago, my RR went well - swim was great (water was 76, so no wetsuit and the weather looks like 72 and sunny on Sunday and given the toasty temps today and Friday, I don't see the lake dropping that much as it is pretty shallow), ride went well (only mishap was that I dropped my chain on the second hill, from big to small in front, so I think my goal will be to stay in big and get out of the saddle - I am going to try to ride the course tomorrow am and can check back with you if needed on that). Run was okay - positive splits, but at least I was running.
I ate in T2 (my family staged transition for me) - 2 cliff shot blocks with water. Scratch Daily was on the bike. I will probably just go with water on Sunday. Gel before swim, shot blocks or gel in T2.
Doug and Ed will be doing the OLY so there will be some great team mojo for me.
If you have any last minute advice, I would appreciate it. I can check back with you and Rich post race for a plan going forward. I will most likely have to incorporate some weight training in the OS, which according to my chiro is the latest reasearch in preventing PF, which I get frequently, plus I am gastroc domininate.
Apologies if this is all over the board,
Ps - we can plan like mad when you are back.
Here is my experience and I really don't quite know what to make of it. Today was just weird, weird, and weird.
I had myself marked for Tim Jenks and my friend Mindy, who lost both of her parents in a horrific plane crash on Friday (you may have read about it as it was all over local and national news)
The swim, was, in a word, weird. I made a split second decision not to swim with a wetsuit due to lake temp sitting at 72, and the morning was warming up fast. The swim was to be .47 miles, but my garmin clocked it at .93 miles, and my time would be more indicative of what my mile swim would look like vs a .5 mile swim. In fact, I swam in the lake on Thursday on the approximate course and the times were within 4 seconds of each other. There was traffic in the beginning as they swam both M/F 45-49 together, for a total of 60 athletes in the wave, and 7min intervals between each wave. I felt that I overcame that well, and settled into my own zone of water as best as possible. "official time;" 19:18 including the trip down the gravel road. Garmin time: 17:02 / .93 miles (last year I was 13:36 for .83 miles)
The transition from the swim exit to T1 was evil for my foot, and it was nearly .25 miles! ZIKES! I stayed on the grass and avoided the gravel as much as possible, gritted my teeth and survived.
T1 - I sat down (and tried to pee to no avail!), put my helmet, sunglasses, socks and shoes and headed out the door. This was another looooong run-ish to the bike mount line.
Bike: Hopped on, followed my cue sheet, watched my gearing, pacing, eating, drinking and felt I executed an excellent bike. I forgot to hit lap on the garmin, but could see that I was at 3.33 to 3.35 per mile, which is where I wanted to be. I paid attention to cadence and felt I kept that where it should be. At the bike dismount line, it was another looong slog to the timing mat, which is where I think I lost time, because I swear I did not feel I was doing 15.36MPH. When I did my RR on the course, I was at 16.6 and last year, I hit 17.3, so I have no clue what went wrong. Official time: 50.46 for 13.7-ish miles.
T2 - Sat down again, dropped bike shoes, put on running shoes, dropped helmet, tried to pee and headed out the door. I knew this was going to be difficult for me as I have been injured since January and have kept mileage low and doing lots more volume on bike and swim, including pool running. No speed work for me this season. So, my garmin showed my time at 30.20, with a pace at 9.12 for 3.30 miles, while final results showed 30.16 for the 5K at 9.46's. Last year I was at 8.11's so I really tried to let that pace go. My official finish time is close to my garmin time, so I think this is a write off to timing mat hell.
Overall, given the circumtances, I think I did okay. I netted 5th in my new AG, which with my finish time, would usually be top 20, so all the zippy women must have been elsewhere. There is a friend who I know has stalked my results and wants to beat me, so I can chalk this one up to keeping her in the dark and hope to hell I get healthy for next season so that she has no chance to beat me.
I know what EN training did for me in 8 weeks last year, so I need to keep the lights on and know better things are coming.
Please let me know your thoughts, where to go next and whether I talk to you or Rich about conceptualizing for 2015.
Rich can lay out a plan for you but I personally think you'll want a few months to get the baseline right -- yoga, self care, maybe some run durability work...then pick up the OS in Jan? What's on the table for next year?
Dropped in Post Outseason plan until I touch base with Coach Rich. It is pretty minimalist and perfect for me right now. Last year did NOS, but would be happy with JOS too.
For next year, I am thinking a 10K (May), a sprint (not sure June or July) and an OLY (August). 2016 will be HIM and 2017 will be IM.
Just need to survive my daughter Emma's, first XC season, then I can breathe.
Happy trails!