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2014 TeamEN Season Updates & September Referral Drive


Our preparations for 2014 are well on their way, and we are excited to share them with you (see below). We’d also like to share Endurance Nation with the training partner / teammate / friend who has seen the progress you have made this year.

Why Now?

The OutSeason is the best time to bring on new members. The entire Team is on a single schedule, and it’s an opportunity for your friends to get up to speed (physically and educationally) in a very quick timeframe.

What About the WaitList?

Yes, the Team is closed. We limit the number of people we bring on board to ensure you have a quality experience. Our next membership drive begins October 7th; we have approximately 600 athletes waiting for one of 250 Team slots we’ve made available. This referral drive is an opportunity for your friends to skip all of that and claim their own spots on the Team.

Here are the details for our Fall 2013 Referral Drive:

When: September 16th through September 30th

How: Refer your friends to Endurance Nation by having them email us at friend@endurancenation.us. You can use the text below.

They Save: We’ll send them a link to create a FREE 30-day membership -- a $109 value -- and skip the waiting list!

Bonus: If your friend decides to join the Team, you’ll get a FREE month of membership!


Here is Some Referral Text to Cut/Paste:

I wanted to let you know that my Team, Endurance Nation, is holding it’s annual Fall Referral Drive. If you sign up you not only get a free month, but you’ll be plugging in at the most critical time of the year -- the OutSeason.

The official OutSeason kicks off in late October / early November, so this Referral Drive is your chance to get in with Rich and Patrick before the Team opens membership to the general public.

In order to get your insider pass, just send an email to friend@endurancenation.us. You’ll have a response in less than 24 hours with instructions.

If you are looking for more information about Endurance Nation and how they work, you can check out their latest free resource called Triathlon 2.0. It’s got all the information you need to know on how they train, how they plan seasons, etc. Click here to download it.

Hope to see you on the Team and let me know if you have any questions!


2014 Team Endurance Nation Updates

There’s a lot in the works, but here’s a quick list of everything coming up:

  • 2014 Key Races at Ironman Texas, Mont Tremblant, Wisconsin, Wildflower, Racine, and Rev3 Quassy, as well as a massive Team presence at Lake Placid and the inaugural IM Chattanooga.

  • Training camps on the IMTX, LP, WI, LT, and IMChoo courses to support you!

  • Additional training camps in Arizona in April and the Blue Ridge Parkway in May.

  • Updated OutSeason, Ironman and Half Ironman training plans.

  • Brand new Half Marathon training plans.

  • New resources like our Ironman Nutrition Planner (here).

  • A full slate of Virtual Team Challenges just in time for when the November OutSeason officially kicks off on October 28th.

  • ...and much, much more.

Remember, there is no limit to how many people you can refer during this drive. Just tell your friends to email us at friend@endurancenation.us and we’ll do the rest.

Thanks again for your support!

~ Rich and Patrick


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    Posted the following variant to our club Facebook page today:

     I wanted to let you know that the group I've been training with for three years, Endurance Nation, is holding it’s annual fall referral drive. If you sign up now you get a free month.  I normally don't like spamming the list like this, but signing up with EN was the single best thing I've done to get better in this sport and I feel obligated to pass this on.  Perhaps some of you will find it to be a good fit and benefit like I did.  Endurance Nation is an especially well suited for those planning on doing an Ironman or Half Ironman, and even more so for those that use (or intend to use) a power meter.  They know how to train and race with power - specifically for triathlon - like no other group.  They will tear apart your power file for you and tell you where you screwed up and how to improve.  Once you have it dialed in, racing an Ironman with power is almost like cheating - you will know exactly how hard to ride every section of the course.  But they also coach with heart rate, and all of the principles transfer to that.  

    The official OutSeason kicks off in late October/early November, so this referral drive is a chance to get in before the Team opens membership to the general public. The 14-week OutSeason groups start October 28 and again at the beginning of January.  These weeks are short on volume (5 - 6 hours a week), but very, very hard.  You will get faster. The regular season plans are relatively short on volume as well, and geared towards people that have busy schedules and can't train 20 hours/week.  They have training plans for Ironman, Half-Ironman, short course triathlon, half marathons - as well as the OutSeason and sport specific, get faster plans.  The coaches are accessible - holding weekly video chats each Monday night (often lightly attended, so you get a lot of quality time if you want it), and respond to training questions at any time very quickly.

    In order to get in now, send an email to friend@endurancenation.us. You’ll have a response in less than 24 hours with instructions. This chance for a free month is good through September 30th.

    If you are looking for more information about Endurance Nation and how they work, you can check out their latest free resource called Triathlon 2.0. It’s got all the information you need to know on how they train, how they plan seasons, etc. Click here to download it: https://app.box.com/s/0y9fswhw6axgj0vt1txq

    Let me know if you have any questions about Endurance Nation.  I'll be happy to answer them!

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    Jim, thanks for the help!
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