How to delete part of Garmin file?
Hi Everyone,
I'm trying to look at the Garmin file from IMWI but I didn't press stop when I got off the bike. My file therefore autopaused and then picked up again when my mom picked the bike up from transition and walked it to the car, obviously way lowering the speed/power data. Any way I can delete this part, or just extract the actual ride so I can get the numbers from the parts I care about?
That said, if you post the link to Garmin Connect, I could analyse the file for you?
I think you can trim/edit the garmin file with Golden Cheetah (at least I was able to today).
- Upload to Garmin Connect
- Export as a TCX file to your desktop
- Open the TCX in WordPad or another text editor
- Manually delete the end of the workout, taking care not to delete the metadata at the very end of the file
- Save the file and close it
- Go to Garmin Connect and choose "manual upload", browse for the edited file on your desktop and select it to upload
It is a lot trickier to delete data in the middle of a file because the timestamps get messed up. But deleting extra time at the end because you forgot to stop the watch / bike computer is easy using the above process.