How to prep for 2014 and will Kona ever happen??
Hey everyone, I would love some guidance here. My simple story is I finished my first two IM's this year - CDA and Canada. I went 13:08 and 12:45 respectively and definitely got bit by the bug and want to put in the work and someday make it to Kona. First, I think it's crazy to have PR'ed like I did at Canada. I really didn't expect that being such an iron-newbie, the short timeframe between the two races, and all the talk about how tough Canada would be. Also, I'll admit I definitely didn't nail or even do every workout in between including my race rehearsal bike because of local wildfires and too much smoke around. So what I'm looking for here is some idea about how possible Kona is for me (I understand this is a tough question) and what the heck do I have to do to get there, could I do it in the next 2 years?? I'm 27 now without kids and really want to make it happen before they come along.
A little more about my two IM's - super dead after CDA. I think I was just emotionally done and happy to have finished. At one point on the run I thought I would go sub 13, but didn't really try for it once I realized I would finish: 1:24 swim, 6:27 bike, 5:05 run. In Canada about half way through the bike I was concerned because my legs were feeling shot. I remedied that with my nutrition, felt great in the last 20 miles (as EN peeps said I would if I followed the plan), and run was good. I finished really strong, like too strong with more in the tank 1:21 swim, 6:32 bike, 4:40 run. I don't use power. I go off feel and not so much HR since mine is always crazy high and worrying about it makes it higher. I think I'm pretty consistent with effort and my husband calls me a "gamer" which I've realized I am. I feel the mental game tends to limit my performance most because I haven't really realized my potential, but I'm working on that and Canada's a good example of my improvement here.
I'm happy to hear all/any thoughts you guys and gals have. Thank you in advance for the help!!
You might want to consider training with power if you want to make the leaps you're going to have to make. A power meter has really helped me do the work I'm supposed to do to get better. It keeps me working as hard as I should. It lets me know when I'm doing too much (when I choose to pay attention to it in that regard) in a workout. It has let me know when I'm too fatigued or over-trained. And those things are just for training. Have you read my Mont Tremblant RR? I talk at length about how it helped me flatten out that hilly course. I took 25 minutes off my bike and almost a whole hour off the marathon to go 11:53. My swim isn't much faster than yours, btw, only a 1:12.
Talk to us about how closely you followed the run workout guidelines. The run tests and your VDOT-calculated paces? I did the best I could to stay on those paces, again to do enough work but not burn out. That said, it is very hilly here and I think I wind up stressing myself more than I should. Doing that OS helped me make some terrific PRs this year but it was hard work compared to how I used to do 'base-building' style workouts in previous winters.
As for the swim, yes, you need to improve but keep it in perspective. My local club has a woman in the 40-44 AG who has KQ'd 3 consecutive years and just took 4th in her AG at the Las Vegas 70.3 Worlds. I swim faster than she does. She rang up a 39 in Vegas and typically does IM swims in the 1:teens.
I suppose people's definitions differ on how long a break is. I feel I have taken a break. It's been 3 weeks and I think I've sat on my bike 4 times and done a few runs. I've never been much into strength training but I'm thinking this would be another good supplement to my fitness over the next few months...?
If money wasn't factor by all means I'd use power... and I'd ride a carbon bike!! So yes, I've considered it, but I need to get a lot closer to a KQ time before I can justify laying down the cash for one. I know everyone has an opinion about what you have to have to be fast...I clearly don't think I need all the bells and whistles. I'm a hard work and put in the time mentality. I could be totally off, but I see myself as a really good climber (thankfully I live in a hilly/mountainous region) who has never really over-trained.
I think I did a pretty good job following/keeping up with the run workouts. I'll admit I dread a 5k! Man I'd rather do a 1/2 marathon!! My paces are: 9:16, 7:57, 7:39, 7:27, 7:02. I'm pretty comfortable at an 8:25-8:40 pace for the long stuff. I was actually thinking I should use the run focused plan for a while leading up to the OS..?
I hear ya on the swim. I haven't utilized our local masters swim group, but I'm thinking that should another area of focus leading up to the OS. Any thoughts?
Sweet job at IMMT!! That's a sick PR!!
You need to improve across the board to reach your goals. And yeah, you need to swim alot more. I recommend you watch the entire Tower 26 series with Gerry Rodriguez on youtube. It is one lecture broken into about a dozen or so 8 min sections. Sme technique instruction might help too...or just ask some of the advanced swimmers to look at your form. Heck, my swim needs work too, but even I can still point out the major flaws if someone has a crappy stroke. Bike more, bike harder, run more, run harder. Whistler will probably only get 50 slots next year so it won't be easy, but that doesn't mean it isn't possible. And never miss the roll down because lightning does strike!
I figured it might take more like 3-4 years and it's good for me to hear stuff like that. There were some crazy fast girls in my AG this year in Canada, which I attributed to the 100 slots. I'm also thinking that I would have a better chance getting a KQ slot there vs CDA next year, but for various reasons, I'm pretty sure we're going back to CDA in 2014.
I'll definitely check out the videos! I'm ready to work hard and get faster!! Thanks for the help!
I'm terrible with putting all this together..wrapping my head around it and I've never thought I need to shave this amount off each discipline
Thanks for mentioning trainnerroad! I did actually use them for a while last year...later part of the OS and it worked great! I am definitely planning on using them again this OS.
I was new to EN last year and didn't participate a lot on here. I heard people saying they swam in the OS. I knew I should've been doing it since I've always been a weak swimmer, but since it was my first OS and all very new I just tried to "follow the rules." I know I have to develop my stroke, so I'll have to make my OS work while swimming! This time I'll speak up and figure out how to do it right! I really appreciate the post! Thanks!!
Agree with folks.
Certainly possible for you to get to Kona. with your rapid improvement, 2 years may be possible. but bear in mind the possiblity of a longer timeframe.
just to reinforce the need for using power with training on the bike. the virtual power on Trainerroad with a trainer (indoors) fine.
and outdoors, something like a used powertap wheel (and then get wheelcover for races). if you get powertap wheel, make sure to talk to folks about what to get. Wireless. Pro+. etc. Is it John Winthrow the Ebay pro that can help?
Good to know about the power stuff. I'm excited to utilize trainerroad a little more appropriately this time around. Danny (husband) just looked up the powertap wheel too, huh, much more reasonable than I thought. We'll investigate them a bit and I'll make sure to ask you guys what exactly I should be looking for when I now a little more about it.
I also just watched all the Tower 26 videos and they seemed to be time well spent, now just to put the info to use! Thanks again Paul!
Power will help you make the leap on the bike, and conequently with your running. In addition to PowerTap hubs look at Quarq power meters. eBay might have deals on both of these things. I wonder if each manufacturer has deals on refurb models. Also, check in with Coach Rich. EN does get good deals for members.
For new powermeter, stages may be the cheapest at $700. Just buy the one crank arm deal and swap onto your current crank.
And of course use all the free speed stuff for races. Aero helmet. Wheelcover. Bike peeing.
Robin you had to go there with the bike peeing! I've tried and I've never been successful...I guess I need to try harder