Home Announcements 🎙

*NEW* Half Marathon BALANCED Training Plans...

After releasing our Half Marathon Training Plans last week, it became quickly clear that not all of you wanted a "run only" solution. Some of you were looking for a way to maintain the swim and bike as well (hey, Type A TriGeeks want it all...don't be ashamed!!!)  image

So, I am pleased to announce the new Half Marathon BALANCED Training Plans. Simply go to the Training Plan Page, click on "Move / Change" plan link and then choose any one of the "Half Marathon (Balanced)" Training Plans. 

These new plans have one swim (Friday, in place of a Day Off) and one FTP bike (Wednesday, in place of Hill Repeats). This will keep you balanced in terms of triathlon training and still help you get ready for the half marathon event you have on the books this Fall!!

Thanks again for your continued support!

~ Coach Patrick

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