Picky Bars
Has anyone tried them? I really like the concept of a "clean" gluten free, vegan choice as I am exploring that eating style, but am wondering if their ratios are what they should be. I listened to the webinar with Jesse and Coach Patrick and have a lot of learning to do.
Thank you,
...I'm just trying to figure it all out - I am mostly veg, have played with veg / vegan gluten free, but have found it challenging on the protein aspect, so please feel free to chime in with experiences.
I used picky bars in my last HIM with sucess, then I listened to the podcast with Patrick and Jesse and freaked out before my last tri of the season 9/8 and used clif blocks.
Thank you,
Back on track... If you used picky bars with success during training and racing HIM and you like them, there is no need to complicate things but what others suggest... All nutrition is individual and needs to be tried and practiced..... It also helps if you like it!
I have been going down the vegan path for the last year and a half (still eat eggs...its the only thing left to go). Anyways, I started to research more about gluten and what it might be doing to my body since that was one other thing I wanted to try and eliminate. Basically, the biggest problem with gluten is that it often contains GMO's which will inflame your intestines and are overall just BAD for you. This will make you feel bloated and your digestive system will be inflamed. Since it is inflamed, your body will have a harder time absorbing the good nutrients you eat. I went gluten free and feel SO MUCH better. Again, this is just my experience and what I found out from online and my chiropractor (who has a masters in nutrition). I have used Organic Food bars as a meal replacement and I'm still in search of a good protein bar! Just thought I'd share!