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Garminconnect/500 Power Zones

Something didnt seem right in my garminconnect numbers with TSS and IF relative to my other software Raceday and Strava(the TSS and IF in garminconnect was lower).  So I looked into it a bit this am. Here is what I found.

I had recently lowered my FTP setting in my garminconnect from 236 to 230 .  Also recently updated the software on the 500 so assumed they were synced.  The FTP setting on the 500 was still @ 236.... So when viewing the data on garminconnect it was using the FTP from the 500 even though the setting was 230 on garminconnect???  Garminconnect just takes the data from the 500 but it should be analyzed and calculated based on the settings within connect and not on the 500.... 

Either way just a reminder to check both devices to make sure they are the same.... FWIW I was getting a .02 IF discrepancy and a 15-20 TSS point discrepancy for a 5hr ride.

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