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Re-Released the EN Member Map

Folks -

Very excited to re-release the TeamEN Member Map. This a great resource to visually see who is near your current (or travel) location. You can access it under the Community Tab here: http://members.endurancenat...x

You can zoom in to see who lives where.

Please note, the only information for you exists behind your profile link, which is shown as first name, last initial. So folks have to be logged in to see more about you.

And you can edit your visibility on the map under your profile (click your name, edit profile). From there you can choose to show everyone, Team only, Friends only or, if you want, uncheck the box and show no one.

Here is a screencast explaining how it all works: http://www.screencast.com/t...T

Please let us know if you have any feedback or questions!

~ Patrick


  • Very lonely down here in Florida. We bike outdoors year round and there just doesn't seem to be that many IMrs. When you expand your marketing efforts, consider an ad in the Southeast Competitor magazine.

  • Posted By Paul Hough on 25 Sep 2013 12:10 PM

    Very lonely down here in Florida. We bike outdoors year round and there just doesn't seem to be that many IMrs. When you expand your marketing efforts, consider an ad in the Southeast Competitor magazine.

    Sorry, we don't do any print advertising. But our REFERRAL DRIVE is happening now, a great opportunity to refer your friends to EN!

  • Juan has the whole continent to himself. Talk about lonely ENers.
  • @Paul to clarify, we have done print advertising in the past but it's very expensive -- think full page ad for $2500 a month -- and there's no way to track what works, what folks see, etc. It's why we do so much online with content / facebook / etc. This is a good conversation for beers! image

    @Rob, agreed...we need a bigger presence down there!!! image
  • I am all in on spreading the EN gospel, but it is hard when everyone I know pretty much only does sprints and the occassional olympic.
  • Awww man, did I get kicked off the team? I'm not in the map. image
  • Kim, do you have your address entered in your profile?
  • For two folks in house, Looks like you can not see names. Me and lisa watson, wife, for instance. Does not allow zeroing in.
  • Thanks rich. I had my address but not the state. Duh. Guess I'm still on the team. image
  • @Robin, we set it so that it wasn't that granular....don't want folks zooming in on bedroom windows or something...is this critical? If so we can get our developer on it...just stick it over here: support@endurancenation.zendesk.com

  • Posted By Patrick McCrann on 30 Sep 2013 12:23 PM

    @Robin, we set it so that it wasn't that granular....don't want folks zooming in on bedroom windows or something...is this critical? If so we can get our developer on it...just stick it over here: support@endurancenation.zendesk.com

    Coach P - FWIW - the pin is literally right over backyard.

  • I just wish more people would update their address (at least city and state) so it can be more representative! Please peeps!!
  • That's where I parked my drone. Seriously though, is this a problem?

  • I'm not on the map and I believe all my settings and info is correct!
  • Hi!  x2 as Tim.  Everything looks "correct" to me... 

    Maybe we are "Out of this WORLD" Tim!?!  

  • When i first looked i wasn't on the map and then i checked my settings and the only thing missing was country.  I added US and presto, i was there. 

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