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2014 State of the Nation Thread [OFFICIAL]

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Endurance Nation

2014 State of the Nation Update!

Everything you need to know for the 2014 season is in this email!

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Team -

Rich and Patrick here with our annual update for the 2014 season. Every year in the Fall, Team EN effectively relaunches with updated training plans, new challenges and new teammates.

To help with this transition -- and because just reading about all of the impending awesomeness isn't enough -- Rich and Patrick recorded a podcast to give you a sense of all that is coming up. You can download and/or listen to the State Of The Nation podcast here.

Looking Forward to 2014, the Big Picture

We’d now like to lay out for you our Big Picture Vision of 2014. Please read on to learn more about Membership, the 2014 OutSeason, Key Races and Camps.


Referral Drive Ends TODAY, September 30th

You refer a friend to the Team, they get a free month...and if they stay on the Team, you get a free month too! Go here to learn more.

New Member Drive Starts October 7th

TeamEN is closed most of the year except for three occasions: October, January and April. We open the doors for new members at these critical times to integrate them into the actual flow of each season.

You can help us out by being your usual, super-friendly and awesome selves, saying HI via the dashboard, in the New Member Welcome Thread and answering any questions they might have.

Coach Patrick is Looking for Phone Volunteers!  Coach P tries to call all of the new folks who join the Team, but during the membership drive there are usually too many people to call in a seven-day window. Calling is super easy to say HI and introduce yourselves and the Team (we even have a script). If you are interested, please send Coach P a Personal Message via the EN site.



The OutSeason:

You’ll begin your preparations for 2014 with our newly revamped, 14-week OutSeason training plan. Just like last year, we will fire up two OutSeason Groups. The November OutSeason (NovOS) will begin on Monday, October 28th. The January OutSeason (JanOS) will begin on Monday, January 6th.

OutSeason Instructions:  

  1. Join Your Group -- Anytime: You can join the November OS or the January OS Group. There’s no time like the present to start setting goals, talking smack, and planning any Pain Cave modifications.

  2. Load the Plan -- A Few Days Before: Stick with your current plan now; you can load the OutSeason just a few days before so you can see the training (Hint: the first week is a TEST week!)

  3. Want to learn more about the fundamentals of the OutSeason? See our OutSeason Breakdown blog post, which includes the plan changes and informational screencasts from Coach Patrick.

Not sure which OS group you should join? It’s a function of two things: when you finished this season and when your Key Race happens next year. Get specific instructions to make the right decision in the wiki here: When to Start the OutSeason.

Thinking about a fall or winter marathon?

As you know we aren’t huge fans of the fall or winter marathon as part of your broader triathlon season. That said, we know that many of you will run despite what your two triathlon dads tell you. If you are going to do it, then do it right. Please head over to the Marathon Forum to outline your race plan, determine your strategy, recap your race and hack your recovery.

The Run Durability Training Plan -- NEW!!

This new training plan is designed for two specific uses: Pre-OutSeason Training Preparation (for everyone) and the Improving the Ironman Marathon Project (advanced athletes only).

Pre-OutSeason Training Preparation: There is a traditional “dead zone” between the end of the triathlon season (for most in August, for others in November) and the start of the OutSeason in November or January. While many of you gravitate to running races, we want to keep you focused on doing the right work (training for a marathon isn’t the problem -- racing one is!).

You can load the Run Durability Plan 1 (four weeks) and, if required, the Run Durability Plan 2 (another four weeks) to stay fit and focused in a way that will set up your OutSeason and complement your upcoming season goals.  Find these plans under the Move / Change section of the My Training Plan page here.

Improving the Ironman Marathon Project: Coach Patrick has created this project specifically for Advanced Ironman Athletes who have proven they can even split the bike and most of the run, yet they fall short of running their Zone 1 /  Long Run Pace on race day. This is a very select group!

  • You are an Ironman veteran, with at least three races under your belt.

  • You have used the Advanced training plan at least once.

  • You have actual results where you have even split the Ironman bike and most of the run.

These specific athletes will use this plan starting before their OutSeason as part of a season-long Run Durability focus designed to get them ready to run to their fitness potential on Ironman race day.  You can learn more about this project in the Three Year Plan section of the wiki.

Customization Period

Most of you reading this email will be in the November OS Group and will finish the OutSeason in early February. At that time you’ll next move into whatever training plan Rich has identified for you in your Season RoadMap, likely some flavor of Get Faster, Focused, Half or Full Ironman plan, as a function of your early season races.

Please Wait Until January to submit your Race Survey

This will ensure you get the latest and greatest advice!

2014 Training Plan Changes and Updates

We have made quite a few edits for the 2014 plans, from the OutSeason to the Ironman and Half Iron plans. To review these changes, please visit the Self Coaching section of the wiki “2014 Training Plan Updates” (please note, you DO NOT have to buy a plan from the store, all plans are included with your TeamEN membership!).


2014 Key Races & Season Planning

In 2013 we unveiled the Key Race concept. The goal is to (1) prepare you for a great race and (2) improve your connection to the Team. The typical season build up works likes this:

Half Iron Event → On Course Training Camp → Key Ironman Race

Track One: To Ironman Texas

Track Two: To Ironman Mont Tremblant

Track Three: To Ironman Wisconsin

If you want to talk about the 2014 Key Races, head over to the official thread here.

Of course, Rich and Patrick (and the Team!) will be at other races in full force. Here’s a list of other important races.

2014 Training Camps

The Coaches will lead a series of training camps to support these key races and additional Ironmans where the Team will have a huge presence. If you want more information on what’s covered in a typical IM Course Camp, visit the official page here. Note: We will honor our 2013 prices for our IM Course Camps through December 31st, 2013 only.

Never been to an Endurance Nation Ironman training camp? Please go here to read about the value we create for you at these camps and don’t forget to register by December 31st, 2013 to lock in 2013 pricing!

Thanks again for being part of Team Endurance Nation!

We’ll continue to be in touch.

Until next time: Word Hard. Get Smart. Go Fast!!!

~ Rich and Patrick

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