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IT Band Pain coinciding with use of KK Trainer

I've recently started experiencing some pain in my right IT band - down low on the outside of my right knee.  It occurs when I'm on the bike usually about an hour to an hour & a half into my ride. I realized this morning that this pain has occurred since I started using the KK trainer (which is a recent purchase).  All of my rides over the past couple of weeks have been done on the KK - which coincides with the start of the IT band pain. 

I'm wondering if this is purely coincidental or if anyone else has experienced something like this? Nothing has changed in terms of my gear/set up (other than the fact that the bike is up on the trainer) - same shoes, etc...  



  • I vote coincidence. Have you been pushing harder on the trainer.

    Lots of good info in the medical forum on how to address IT Band. Needs to be addressed before it stops you in your tracks.

    I posted "journey of an IT band" in this forum that discussed how I fixed myself last winter.

    Start icing, stretching and some hip and glute exercises if this is in fact an IT band issue.
  • My only explanation to it be related to the trainer is that if inside with less variability, you have a more consistent and possibly higher cadence than outside where you move around a bit more. But my bet would be coincidence.
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