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2014 Ironman Texas - Who's In?



  • New to EN, first Ironman - I'm in for IMTX 2014 - looking forward to the whole experience from training with EN, the huge learning curve, and the RACE!
  • Im in!!!!  Ironman #2~  IMWI was 1st in 2012. I have wanted to do Texas since it came on the IM calendar, and figured since it was an EN focus race this was the time to do it!! Anywho...Im also representing from Minnesota.  Staying at the La Quinta Woodlands South.  Looking forward to getting an official group started. 
  • Well, after 5 years of sleeping in and having to watch what I eat to stay relatively thin, I'm officially un-retired from IM.  I sorta had a feeling we couldn't stay apart forever.  Signed up for the EN camp in March to preview the course (Hyatt Place said they had no EN discount yet?), staying at TownPlace Suites in May.  I'm literally doomed if my wife sees the Amex bill this month (entry fee, bike, wheel, p-meter, Garmin, bike shoes, airfare, hotel, camp).  I think this sport is starting to get expensive. 
  • Im in! It is gonna be a tougher race than FL Im sure but it is only 180mi from home so I might as well.
  • I'm there for the 2nd time
  • I'm in as well! We've got a huge group from Charlotte coming down. First full distance for me. Look forward to meeting everyone!
  • Me too! IMTX Redux...Back with a Vengeance! 

    2013 was great...this will be even greater!

  • Merry Christmas, 60 minutes on trainer followed by 20" run. who's with me? WOO HOOO!!!
  • @Ryan. I'm with you. Into the TOUGH part of the OS and coldest part of winter. Can't wait for that Texas heat come May 17!!!
  • Good to know who I am going to battle with come May.  Should be a tough IM with the heat and humidity.

    I have created a Strava club for all those using Strava:  http://www.strava.com/clubs/46766

    See u all at camp!

  • I'm in as this is my first IM!
  • I am also in. First IM. 

    Apprehensive about all the scary stuff written on places like ST forums about IMTX. I am sure I am in good hands now, though. Thanks for having me. 

  • I'm in! It will be my 3rd IM. I did Vineman Full an IM Lake Tahoe.
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