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Farewell for Now My Friends...

Sadly, it is time for me to say good bye and leave the team for a while.  I have had an incredible ride over the past year but am setting a little less lofty goals for 2014 as I try to reconnect with family and give Ironman a rest for a season or two.  Currently have been hiking 2-3 days per week in the beautiful Adirondacks of which I gladly call home.  Lots more hiking in the upcoming year as I try to bag all 46 Adirondack high peaks as well as a couple half-ironmans and shorter stuff for good measure.  I thank you all for your feedback and example and look forward to a time when our paths cross once again.  Thanks again for everything.

Feel free to hit me up on Facebook for those who wish to remain in touch image

Warmest regards,




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