Season Plan Weekly Hours Question
I work 50+ hours a week and only have time to train 10-11 hours per week and sometimes 12 hours when needed. Will the Out Season and HIM plans you create be able to accommodate that? Thanks!
Hi Matt,
Welcome to your trial membership. The OutSeason plan is 5-8hrs per week so that won't be a problem. The HIM plan is about 11-14hrs per week, I think, at it's peak, but you can always work with us to help you cut time here, there, etc. The short answer is the only workouts for which PnI have any volume goals are the long bike and long run. Everything else can just be the Main Set. So a Wed run, for example, maybe listed as a 60' run but we only call it 60' because triathletes need to be told how much to run
. You'd be fine doing the minimum warmup, main set, very cool down. If that takes you 35 vs 60', it's all good.
Great! Thanks!
BTW- Im going to do Steelhead instead of Racine. I like the idea of having adding a bike focus block as that is were I need most improvement and it also gives me more time between A races which I can use at age 41!