something new on race day?!?
So I know the rule, NOTHING new on race day, but all along I've been thinking I'll take in some cola when things get rough in the run... with a plan to try and hold off till mile 18 or so, especially since I never do caffeine. Then I get to thinking of the cardinal rule of nothing new on race day and it makes me a little hesitant, although I like the idea of having a "secret weapon" to go to when things get really rough. So looking for any/all opinions
If I had a sensitive stomach or a history of GI issues I think I'd want to check it out beforehand to make sure that cola + some other combination of gels or sports drinks doesn't result in any GI issues, but anecdotically cola doesn't seem to give many people issues.
Does anyone drink it de-fizzed?
If you are worried about this and don't do caffeine much why don't you practice with some flat coke on the back half of your next long run.