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something new on race day?!?

So I know the rule, NOTHING new on race day, but all along I've been thinking I'll take in some cola when things get rough in the run... with a plan to try and hold off till mile 18 or so, especially since I never do caffeine. Then I get to thinking of the cardinal rule of nothing new on race day and it makes me a little hesitant, although I like the idea of having a "secret weapon" to go to when things get really rough. So looking for any/all opinions


  • Oh yea, talking about IMFL BTW
  • I don't know anybody who actually trains with cola on their long runs - I imagine some people do, but speaking as one who only uses it during IM runs, I've never had any problems with it. But then I drink an average of one one diet coke a day, which is my only caffeine source.
  • Agree with Al, don't think having cola as part of your nutrition is something that many (or hardly anyone) actually does in training. Which is kind of funny when you consider it, because cola is actually a pretty big part of my raceday run nutrition and I never train with it.

    If I had a sensitive stomach or a history of GI issues I think I'd want to check it out beforehand to make sure that cola + some other combination of gels or sports drinks doesn't result in any GI issues, but anecdotically cola doesn't seem to give many people issues.
  • Hadn't had soda in 10 yrs and I had coke at IMWI. Did have some GI issues but next to positive it was not the coke- that stuff was magic! Also, if you are going to hold out on it til mile 18, no matter what happens, you will make it to the finish!
  • Coke has a bit of a history of being used for medicinal purposes - especially for a slightly upset stomach. They used to sell straight coke syrup that my parents used to buy for that purpose. Not sure this is generally accepted my the medical community but its clear that Coke doesn't seem to bother the majority athletes when they are at their most vulnerable time - run mile 18+ of an IM.

    Does anyone drink it de-fizzed? 

  • I would still try a loop run with a stop at home for a few sips of coke and then back out for another loop. I have not used coke and I am not a soda drinker and so I was to nervous to try coke at IMLP due to the unknown. I wish I would have at least tried it once prior.
  • I had never tried coke before then used it at a 70.3 and it serious;l\ly broght me back from the brink and helped me finish strong. I know I was at the brink because I was willing to try something I had never used in training.........
  • Agree with others. Just remember that coke has no sodium, so you need to get that from another source.

    If you are worried about this and don't do caffeine much why don't you practice with some flat coke on the back half of your next long run.
  • Really appreciate all the input, thanks everyone!
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