swim advice
Looking for some swim advice. Background - 42 years old, cycling for ~5 years, started doing tri's ~16months ago. Did first HIM Oct 2012 (Austin). HIM swim was 40:29 (wetsuit). Two olympics this summer, 1500m swim times were 32:21 and 29:52 (no wetsuits). Last HIM RR time (pool, no flip turns) was 42:18. According to swim e-book, my pool times are not in the "good swimming" range. But open water, I'm close? For what it's worth, the swim has been my best/most consistent AG sport (compared to my bike/run splits, I usually exit the water in better position in my AG than my final placement). I need to improve on the bike and run too, obviously.
I've been swimming 2-3x week (except during OS and during 6 week hiatus in spring (broken clavicle)) consistently, following the workouts in GF plans, HIM plans, etc. Doing lots of 50/50's, 25/25's, long interval sets at 2-3" faster than RR pace, etc....just as directed, basically.
While I "feel" stronger, faster, smoother (one goggle breathing, feet near top of water without kicking much, fingertips down, etc.), I just don't seem to get any faster. What I notice is that my first 50' I am much faster (without really pushing anything) due to feeling a more powerful stroke. For example, I train in a 25yd pool....first two 25yd will be ~24strokes/length. But, by the 3rd/4th length (and for all the rest of any longer interval set), I'm usually taking ~26-27 strokes. Most men I talk to that are similar build to me take many fewer strokes/length (like 17 or so!?!).
I was not a former swimmer (obviously), but swam recreationally a lot as a kid and am very comfortable. I can swim all day, and don't worry about completing 2.4mi (I signed up for IMTX 2014...my first attempt), even without a wetsuit.
I am 5'11", 165lbs, but 13-14% body fat (ie....I don't have a lot of natural muscle mass and if I was 5% body fat I'd look like a skeleton). Basically, I'm a weakling! I'm ok with that, though....just the way I'm made. I can't benchpress diddly-squat and never have been able to. Military press is embarrassing, I'm sure.
So, with that (lengthy...sorry) background, here are my questions:
1) When I try to pull like I read/see in the swim e-book (full torso rotation, belly facing side walls, using lats more and shoulders less) I feel my arm is very deep and my "cadence" goes down significantly (less strokes/length)...feels like a more "powerful" pull for sure....but I have tested this for short distances like 50 or 100yds, and I am consistently a few seconds slower/100yd. Ie....with higher/quicker cadence and less body rotation and more of a "high elbow" form, I'm a little faster. Yet, overall, I'm not getting any faster. After Austin HIM (Oct 27), should I continue to swim 1-2x/week (I have a convenient, indoor pool close to my home that I can use any time, so it's not the 5AM freezing cold ass-whip that some would have to endure to swim in the winter). Do I WANT to swim in the OS?....NO.....I don't. But, if I need to and I can get faster, I'll do it.
2) Should I trust the swim e-book guidance re big shoulder rotation/torso rotation/deep pull with slower cadence (trusting that over time I'll either get stronger and that for a 2.4mi swim I'll ultimately be more efficient and thus faster)? Or, should I stick with what seems to be faster for ME (i.e.....faster cadence, deeper pull, easier pull with each stroke)?
3) Should I do some weight lifting, push ups, lat pull-downs, rows, other "weight training" or resistance training of some sort?
4) Should I invest in having a swim coach work with me? If so, how many sessions and how does that work (ie...how much is it gonna cost me and is it worth it?)
Any advice greatly appreciated. My thinking is that until I get faster on the bike/run, my swim times are not bad enough to justify spending a lot time on it (since what I'm told (by Rich mainly) is that it's a low ROI compared to bike/run).
Specific swim drills, tips/thoughts and/or overall triathlon improvement advice for me would be great.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Jeff,
I am new to EN and the forums, but I thought I would weigh in. I would agree with those who say that the catch/feel is the most important aspect of the stroke. One drill I spend time on (even though I would say I have a pretty good feel for the water as a lifetime swimmer) is sculling. I spend time sculling almost every workout. This article might also have some insight into your "deeper vs. faster" stroke query: http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/...roke/?_r=0. You described yourself as weaker in the upper body, and so perhaps the shallower stroke might work for you vs. the deeper, more powerful stroke, which works for a little while and then tapers away with a lack of muscle power OR just a whole lot of competitive swimming experience. I find myself working on the deeper, more powerful stroke in the pool and not being able to transfer it to a race or even an open water practice. Perhaps you also transfer to a shallower, quicker stroke in a race, which is why your times are better there vs. in a practice scenario.
The more time I spend on the forums, the more I realize I have a lot to learn, so... just putting it out there for what it's worth. Susan
Thank you for the input. I read the article and watched the video. Very helpful. Thanks.