Infinit help needed
I have read and re-read the posts on the Infinit questions that have been asked in here. All great info, and I've definitely learned a lot! However, as is the case with anyone else, I am hoping that someone can help me dial in my specific situation a little bit. I know everyone's situation is different, but maybe someone out there in the Haus has had a similar setup/situation or has prior knowledge/experience and can help me out.
Getting ready for IMAZ. After a lot of exploration, I finally figured out that the Infinit stuff may work for me and have settled into a formula that seems to be going okay (although not a lot of "long" rides with it yet). I am 6' 3", 175lbs, 9-10% body fat. I don't consider myself a heavy sweater, just moderate I guess.
Here's the BIKE FORMULA profile: Calories = 300; Sodium = 385; Potassium = 111; Carb = 70 (18 sugars); Protein = 5; Caffeine; Osmolarity = 274. I've found that I can drink ~25-30oz/hour. For some reason, my stomach can't hold more fluid than this at any given time. I've tried to drink more (using Infinit or Perform) and it's not good. After a 4.5 hour ride using this approach, I was only down .5 lbs net on a fairly warm and muggy day. I've done the formula in the Nutrition Guide in the wiki and that has me at over 400 calories/hour. Yikes! I tried that for a HIM and suffered a lot. Just can't seem to bring more in.
QUESTION (FEEDBACK NEEDED): Does this formula for my bike look okay for the IM distance? If not, what would I tweak change? I've added an S-cap/hour and doesn't seem to make much difference, so I was planning on just sticking with it. Should I be trying to add a gel in with this? I remember reading somewhere that Coach P said that Infinit and Powerbar gel don't play well together so I have been reluctant to do it.
For the run, this is where I am having issues. I was hoping to go with Perform and Powergels since that is the on-course support. However, I can't seem to take in a large bolus of the Perform at one time (like I would at an Aid Station). Therefore, I've been running with a fuel belt and have been sipping 6oz over the course of each mile. I've been taking a Powergel every 40-45 minutes (with water) and my stomach has tolerated it. Any more than this, and my stomach locks up. I've been using gels for years without any problems, but it's after I get off the bike and run is where things get a little whacky.
QUESTION (FEEDBACK NEEDED): What should I (do I) need to change for my run nutrition/hydration strategy? Again, if I use the formula in the wiki, I am sloshing/bloated and just can't bring in that much. I have a RUN FORMULA from Infinit. I've used it during a HIM and it seemed to be okay, although I ran into problems after taking a gel (refer back to Coach P's concern?). I can use the Infinit for the run, but thought it would be difficult to not use the on-course support. Reading through the forum makes it seem like carrying a concentrate is doable. Anyone else using Infinit for the run? If so, are you taking gels in addition?
Sorry for the long post (I know it rivals a chapter of "War and Peace"). Any feedback/help would be greatly appreciated!
Hi Wolf:
If the IMAZ you are doing is in 6 weeks then you are cutting it close here. Will add my .02 below. But you will try whatever you plan during your upcoming two race rehearsals so that will be your tell.
- Typical EN rule of thumb is 250 calories per hour. So your bottle looks a little calorie heavy to me. Plus if you add anything else then you are really high. And gel or anything else like it SUCKS with Infinit for me. But when I am hungry (liquid alone doesn't cut it for me) I did find mini strawberry fig newtons (6) worked wonders. Just kept them in my bento box. So 250 calories/hour of Infinit with water chasers works well for me.
- I have NEVER had luck using Infinit on the run. Way too thick and after a 6 hour bike I was done with it. I used a bottle of water and Powergels on the run. I started with water over the first 6 miles (remember those miles are planned pace -:30 per mile. Use that time time wisely to see how you feel) to settle in and then I settled into a gel every :30 and water. Each gel was 110 calories so 2 per hour got me close. Then I would grab something small at each aid station to mix things up.
Your race rehearsals will be your estimated bike time then a 6 mile T-run. You have two chances to really dial this in before the race. I would try lightening up the calories first. It is WAY easier to recover from an impending bonk (too few calories) than it is to recover from stomach issues (too many calories) out on the course.
Lastly, I used to run ultra's and I took in 400 calories an hour and thought there was no way I could survive an IM on 250 calories per hour. Low and behold it worked really well for me.
Let us know how your RR's go with this.
I follow Jesse's plan and it works great with me!
I use Infinit for 240 cals, 500 mgs of sodium etc but no protein — I use the same formular for bike and run but different flavours.
Also on the bike I have quarter powerbar every 30 mins — on the run I use gels. I race around 148 pounds, so you would need more fuel according to the Webinar.
I have the Infinit powder in empty bottles and just fill at an aid station (with water).
Wolf - I use Lemon Lime Infinit for both the bike & run; I've done 3 IMs and numerous HIMs without any problems. I'm 6'0" and weight 162 lbs.
On the bike I make a 3x concentrated bottle of Infinit and sip it slowly, and take water off the course. For an IM, I put a second bottle of 3x concentrate Infinit in my bike special needs bag and pick it up there. Don't use gels at all. I think your bike formula looks good. Mine has 283 calories/hour, no protein or caffeine, and 67g of carbs. But you weight a little more than I do, so a few more calories is probably about right for you. Your formula does look a little light on the sodium (mine has 424 mg but I'm a very heavy sweater). Also, I've noticed in my 3 IMs that I actually get a little hungry in the second half of the ride, so I will take 1/2 banana at several of the aid stations, for a total of 1.5 to 2 bananas total on an IM ride. Bananas mix fine with Infinit for me, and I've used this combo on many long rides and races.
On the run, I only use Infinit, water and S-caps. My run formula of Infinit has only 230 calories, no protein but adds in caffeine. I don't take any nutrition from the course. I wear a fuel belt with 2 bottles of Infinit.. At each aid station, I walk 10 steps, drink one cup of water, and start running again. I grab a cup of ice at each aid station. I put 1 or 2 ice cubes in my mouth, squirt in some Infinit from the fuel belt bottles, then chew up the ice cubes. This makes an "Infinit Slushie" and I swallow it while running. This helps to cool the Infinit, and keeps my core temp down too since I'm basically swallowing ice. Repeat at each aid station. I will take 1 S-cap/hour. Not sure I need the S-caps, but doing it hasn't given me any problems so I continue to take them to be sure I get enough sodium. For an IM run, I put 2 more fuel belt bottles with Infinit in my run special needs bag, and simply swap the empty bottles for the full ones. Also, knowing that I will swap the bottles helps me to remember to drink both bottles completely by the time I get to run special needs.
Net, I probably take in a few more calories/hour on the bike than the EN guidelines, but a little less/hour on the run. I want to make sure that I start the run with a full tank so to speak, then take in minimal nutrition in just liquid form on the run where I'm working harder and my heart rate goes up to about 145 (10 bpm higher than on the bike). Using this plan at IMWI this year, I ran a 4:08 marathon, finishing in 11:26, 9th in the 55-59 age group.
Finally, I agree with Stark that it is way easier to recovery from too few calories (available at every aid station) than too many calories, causing your GI system to shut down. Hope this helps. Good luck with your race.