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Recommendations for a Super Cool Scale

Any thoughts or recommendations on a super high tech gadgety scale? My beloved Withings WiFi capable scale seems to be on its last legs. It's a few years old and I am sure they have improved.

Anybody have one they like?

Hydration measuring? Bluetooth? Wifi? Good tracking software? iPhone compatible?



  • Detecto mechanical weight beam scale.  Last scale you will ever buy.  Doesn't get fancy with WiFi, BF%, LM%, etc., just accurate and consistent weight.... for decades to come and no batteries needed.
  • Not very sexy, Steve.... image
  • The Tanita BC-1500 is the latest and greatest of Tanita's ANT+ scales with body fat measurements. Personally, I've never seen an impedance based bodyfat measurement to be accurate enough that I'd take it seriously, but who knows maybe they've improved them in the latest generation.

    Plus it has an Ironman logo on it. That's gotta be good for an extra $100 or 2 markup image
  • @ Dino - sexy is nice in a carbon bike or a wicked fast car but a scale? I can't think of how a $$$ scale with blinking lights or what ever will do anything for your lusty desires......

    I thought decades of precision results - good or bad, no batteries required would help keep YOU sexy! Isn't that the point? You want a sexy scale or a sexy you?

    To each his own I suppose.... :-)
  • I hear you, Steve... I just don't think that big bad boy will fit in my bathroom.... The reason I like electronic options is primarily the tracking. Most will connect to the internet and will track and graph.
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