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Chris Love Macro Thread

Hey Rich. What would my season plan look like if I started with the JOS instead of the NOS? And given my races are Quassy and Mont Tremblant does it make more sense to begin in earnest with JOS instead of NOS?


  • Posted By Chris Love on 13 Oct 2013 08:12 PM

    Hey Rich. What would my season plan look like if I started with the JOS instead of the NOS? And given my races are Quassy and Mont Tremblant does it make more sense to begin in earnest with JOS instead of NOS?

    Hey Chris,

    Please read this this forum thread: http://members.endurancenation.us/Forums/tabid/57/aft/7175/Default.aspx

    I need to update that guidance to more accurately reflect how we do business now, ie, 2x OS starts vs several, but the main point is that when to start the OS is more a function of where you head is at vs what next season looks like for you. 

    So figure ^that^ out and then hit me up with when you want to start the OS. I can then rework your season plan for you. 

  • Hi Rich. Went on hiatus Nov/Dec. Planning to begin with JOS. Can you please revise my previous Season Plan? My race schedule is the same - tune up with Rev 3 Quassy 70.3 on 6/1/14; A-race Ironman Mont Tremblant 8/17/2014. Thank you!

  • Posted By Chris Love on 05 Jan 2014 12:49 PM

    Hi Rich. Went on hiatus Nov/Dec. Planning to begin with JOS. Can you please revise my previous Season Plan? My race schedule is the same - tune up with Rev 3 Quassy 70.3 on 6/1/14; A-race Ironman Mont Tremblant 8/17/2014. Thank you!

    Chris, sure thing. Please submit this via the Season Planning Survey: http://members.endurancenation.us/TrainingPlan/SeasonPlanningSurvey.aspx

    That gets me everything I need and puts it into my processes back here. Thanks!

  • Rich - I should have given you more information. You did a season plan for me in October, it had me starting with the NOS. So what I'm asking for is a modification of my existing plan - this time to start with the JOS. Do you still want me to enter a new Season Planning Survey? I'm still doing the same races that were on the Survey I submitted in October. Please advise which you would rather do - have me re-enter the Season Planing Survey or modify the Season Planning Survey I submitted in October. Thank you.

  • Posted By Chris Love on 08 Jan 2014 07:58 AM

    Rich - I should have given you more information. You did a season plan for me in October, it had me starting with the NOS. So what I'm asking for is a modification of my existing plan - this time to start with the JOS. Do you still want me to enter a new Season Planning Survey? I'm still doing the same races that were on the Survey I submitted in October. Please advise which you would rather do - have me re-enter the Season Planing Survey or modify the Season Planning Survey I submitted in October. Thank you.

    Yes, please take the survey. Thanks!

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