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Brad Wilson Micro Thread

Hi guys,

I am going to Italy for 12 days - leaving on Oct 24th and returning late on Nov 4th. When I spoke with Coach P, he suggested I initiate a Micro Thread on how to deal with this, including perhaps starting the OS testing on Oct 21st instead of Oct 28th. I will be able to run in Italy but I will not be able to bike. Thanks in advance. Brad



  • Brad, thanks for reaching out. I say you load up the OS such that you do the bike test monday (you will have to take Sunday off) then 5k test on Wed. Then you travel, using the run durability plan as a guide (short, frequent runs - 30' okay - with core after is perfect). If you can get out for one longer run, say 60 minutes, good times. Otherwise just enjoy the trip...the pain and suffering will be here when you get back, I promise!!
  • Thanks Coach P! I think I get it - load up the OS to do the testing next week (Oct 21) and then load up the Run Durability (I assume the longest one - 9 months out as I am doing IMC in July) - can you load it up to start on a Friday? When I get back on Nov 4th, do I just reload the OS again and jump into Week 2 to get back on the schedule with everyone else? Thanks again!
  • @Brad, perfect! Only hitch is that you can't load a plan to start on "a day" but you can load it to start that week and pick up that friday....the first week of the RDP isn't so arduous as to require Monday thru Thursday -- I can help you here to adjust that if required!!
  • Hi Coach - I really enjoyed the OS Webinar yesterday! I have a couple of additional questions as a result of it:

    1. I did the bike test yesterday (was pleasantly surprised - the Bike Focus work over the past few weeks really helped!) - my question is, do I record the VO2 Max number anywhere? It was 264 and my FTP was 235 - I was updated the numbers on my plan;

    2. You discussed dropping down (ie checking the ego) re: which plan to use. I had originally purchased the 2014 OS Advanced Plan because I had done the sport since 1988 and I had a sub 11 hour IM - the problem was it was in 2007 and concussion headaches have precluded me from doing any triathlon work (exception being running) since then. Is your advice still to move to Intermediate or can I stay at Advanced?

    3. In the winter we will go north to XC Ski at our chalet - as it gets closer, can I consult you about moving some workouts around? I can run there but I don't want to hike my bike back and forth...

    4. last question: I did the bike test yesterday afternoon - is there enough rest time in between to do the run test tonight or should I do it early tomorrow morning - I am leaving for Italy in the afternoon.

    Thanks agin for everything!!! Brad 

  • @Brad -


    #1 - no place to put the 5' power yet...just note it for your VO2 intervals.
    #2 - I suggest you start with the intermediate. We can always dial you up after the first few weeks if you are feeling it!!!
    #3 - of course you can..give me like 2 week's notice so we can add a bit more biking before you go, etc.
    #4 - early thursday AM!!

    Also, same day questions like #4 please just text me: (617) 513-3830 --- hope I didn't leave you hanging!!!
  • Hi Coach P - Happy New Year! I am in a dilemma and not sure where or how to re-start things. I was fine until the trip to Italy and then the wheels fell off. Lots of great excuses but none better than actually getting the work done instead. I am now clear and completely focused on the task if I haven't put myself in too big a hole. There has been min running and not biking for the past two months. The race in late July - any thoughts about how I kickstart things? I have been XC Skiing a lot over the past few weeks (actually skate skiing) so I haven't been completely inactive. I just want to get going and know that all progress starts with telling the truth and trying not to worry about what I haven't completed but focus on what I can do!

    Also, if I can mention we will now go up north on weekends to ski until early March, so I do not have access to my bike on Sat only - you had said on an earlier post you could recommend how to move things around for the Sat ride.

    Thanks. Brad


  • Brad, our top goal is to get you on a consistent schedule...no matter how easy / simple it might seem. We need to build some training "momentum" for you. If you are on the OS plan and you are skiing all weekend, my modifications would be as follows:

    Mon - OFF to recover after Sat / Sun
    Tues - Bike + Brick Run
    Wed - FTP Interval Run
    Thu - VO2 Bike + Brick Run
    Fri - Saturday Bike (Main Set only, shorten if required, to 60 minutes)
    Sat - XC
    Sun - XC

    This way you get in three runs (one quality), and three good bikes...that XC work will go a long way to build good fitness. Just stay fueled up / hydrated out there!
  • Thanks Coach P. I will not have a problem with consistency now. My only other question is do I start back at Week 3 of the OS where I tailed off or just jump in at Week 11 where I am now? I am good with whatever you recommend. Thanks very much for all your advice!
  • @Brad, that's really a Macro question for Coach Rich....I say week 3 through 8 and we re-assess, but you might want to re submit your Season Survey or just post a thread to him in Macro Forum for input!
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