Adjusting the plan to move weekend rides - what's worked/not worked?
Hi team,
I'm about to start training for a half-ironman in Feb (I'm southern hemisphere so our season is just starting - or rather it's started, but I'm just getting back into it after an extended post-marathon lay-off). This is my second year training for this event with EN and based on last year, I want to move one of the weekend rides to during the week (regularly, not just a one-off). I know the coaches have developed the plan as it is based on years of experience, but I don't want to follow the plan into that (mental) brick wall
. I have a love-hate (mainly the latter) relationship with cycling and despite telling myself repeatedly to SIUP, I just get miserable every Friday night thinking about how much of my weekend I'm going to have to spend cycling and often don't really hit the second workout properly, for mental rather than physical reasons. I'd rather a slightly sub-optimal plan that I can set in advance and actually do well. (And I work a nine-day fortnight, every second Thursday is a day off, so I have a bit of flexibility)
I have some thoughts on how to do it and will do a Micro thread post to check my ideas with RnP, but wanted to see what the collective brains trust has to say first. I did a site search and didn't find much in the forums (although I see Al Truscott mentioned moving one of the rides, and I felt rather relieved. If Al's okay with it, I certainly am!). And I did find this great post on following/modifying training plans:
So, who's played around with when they do the rides set for the weekend, as a regular thing? How did you rearrange the week's workouts? Did it work for you? All comments much appreciated.
See "Steve's micro thread' where I went through this with coach Patrick. Good luck
Fortuitously, I'm just finishing a week when the weather and work have conspired to allow me to put my workouts any time I wanted. I'm five weeks out from IM Arizona. Here's what I did, and it has seemed to work well with little of the usual deep fatigue I feel at this point of an IM build:
Mon: Bike FTP intervals, Monday run
Tues: Swim, Run TP intervals
Wed: "Friday Ride", done @ 0.7 IF
Thurs: Long Run
Fri: Swim
Sat: Long Saturday ride (done @ 0.75+ IF) + run
Sun: Swim, Run with strides
All of these were done within the ranges the plan dictates for plan intensities and times.
Matt - I agree with you, but speaking from 25 years in your future, that may not apply as one starts to need more recovery time from big efforts. A Saturday 4.5 hour ride+ 42 min run for me eats up > 250 TSS points; trying to add another 130-180 the next day puts me in too deep a hole for the following week.
So, for the record, I endorse the EN Sat/Sun ride program as a general rule. But for those over 55 or so, or whose life circumstances don't permit it, getting the rides in any way you can during the week is an alternative to be considered.