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Metatarsal Stress Fracture

Unfortunately I've had 2 of these before. I don't have a confirmed diagnosis but by tomorrow I will. We are 99.9% certain that it is positive. I can still bike and swim. Bike does not creat any pain. The really bad news is that Cozumel is a short 39 days away. I'm convinced I will walk the marathon. Is there any other advice?


  • Kimberly, I had two metatarsal at the same time in college. You've been through this before so you know you recovery time. But an ironman in 40 days is going to be a challenge.

    I was on crutches and a boot. No pressure for 6+ weeks. Stay off of it as much as you can.
  • Kim, sorry to hear. I have had two of those stress fractures. Aggressive recovery for me was 2 weeks completely off, 4 wks walking only, then a slow rebuild of my running. If your doctor clears you to walk, you might consider throwing down your "could" split on the bike to pick up a few minutes then speed walk as best you can. Your one thing could be " one for the LQ"!
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