Anyone Had "The Talk" (Birds and Bees) With Their Son?
Totally off topic . . . . .
It is time for me to have "the talk" with my son about the birds and the bees. I am putting my talking points together and wanted to get any helpful feedback from those of you who have done this with your son. If you think your comments might not be appropriate for this open forum, feel free to PM me.
Any input, thoughts, experiences are appreciated.
My dad is a marriage counselor and certified sex therapist my B and B talk when I was a preteen were unbelievably detailed (and weird!).
So , I would be happy to help you however I can. PM me any questions you have or if you just want to know what I did, etc. Not saying that I am an expert or anything! N = 1 so far.
Sounds like Jeff and his dad could put together a pretty slick PowerPoint presentation that you could use, for visual aids
Mine are 3 and 6. We pretty much just focus and strangers and inappropriate things. I have a little time for the other stuff.
For what it's worth, my parents never told anything and I was able to keep out of trouble. With internet these days, I assume kids are far more advanced.
Ahhhh know what happens when you assume!
I had the talk a couple of years ago with my boys (twins). They said "That's gross" and I said "pretty much".