Rich Smith's Micro Thread
I have a strained right quadricep and some left Achilles issues. I am getting weekly physical therapy and I've backed off on the run durability training over the last week or so.
How should I modify the November OS starting next week? I feel comfortable with some running (cycling is fine) but I just wanted to check in.
Please remember that the OutSeason is bonus time for Endurance Nation athletes...if you don't emerge with a run personal best, and "only" are healthy and doing quality interval repeats 2x a week with a decent long run, I WILL BE VERY HAPPY!
While your timeline to recovery is your own, I can suggest the following edits:
1) Eliminate all intensity in your runs until you feel ready.
2) Run as scheduled on the plan, but keep it to no more than 45 minutes at a manageable intensity.
3) Use the extra time to do the self-care work that will accelerate your recovery (check out for good information & guidance).
When you are ready to start doing some intensity, you can begin working in some shorter efforts. I would suggest a general integration of three (3) weeks where you continue with the no-intensity run program and you gradually build up your intensity.
Week 1 = Try 4 x 2-minutes at Zone 4 intensity with as much walking / recovery after as needed in TWO RUNS.
Week 2 = Try 4 x 3-minutes at Zone 4 intensity with 3-minutes of rest after each in TWO RUNS.
Week 3 = Try 4 x 1/2 mile (aka an 800 or two laps of the track) at Zone 4 intensity with 3-minutes of rest after each in TWO RUNS.
Here's Saturday:
Here's Sunday:
Here's the prior Sunday, when things felt right:
Btw, having no issues hitting numbers on the bike.
Sounds like a plan. Thanks coach!
Ok, much better performance this week. Seems like protecting the Sunday run worked. I'll plan on adding back the Saturday run but at Z1 intensity. Thanks!