Training together
Hi guys-
Okay, so I have found my way to the right forum for emailing you guys....sorry I didnt read thru the whole website sooner, before I sent you emails on I guess your personal accounts!
So my husband and I train's fun that way and we like it. No issues in the pool - he's faster but its a closed environment so no big deal.
He's faster on the bike as well - much faster. I get something out of it, trying to stay with him...but I dont want to hold him back from reaching his full potential. Sometimes we do group rides and he will ride with the A group, Ill ride with the A- group Any suggestions you have, to continue to train together but allow both of us to reach full potential? Im looking to knock 30 minutes off my IM bike this year...any suggestions you have there will help too
(I was 6:25 REV3 CP, 6:50 IMLP....f/b 4:00 run). suggestions for 70.3 in prep for IMMT...we are looking at Raleigh, maybe Eagleman (bc that one is a home race).
Hi Deb,
My wife and I often do the same triathlons and we sometimes train together. When we go out on bike rides I will usually go ahead of her and then turn around and head back until I pass her, go down the road a bit and then catch her. Rinse and repeat. That way we can keep an eye on each other in case one of us gets into trouble but we each get to go our own pace. Similar thing with running except that we usually do an out and back for time so we start out at the same time and place and end up there as well. The only time we don't do that is when I'm doing a recovery/easy run and she's doing a hard fast interval set. Then we run together.
Regardless, it is fun to prepare and train for the same races though it takes a little coordination with workouts, fixing dinner, and getting the chores done.
Take care,
My thoughts on training together are you can drive to the pool together and if your 1 for 1 in the pool awesome have fun.
As the weather is going to be closing in I guess, unless you folks are outside people, you both will be on a trainer, so there you are together.
For your run, if your Vdot is the same you can both still train together.
The physiology of all this boils down to muscle fibers and what you both bring to the table in that respect. He is stronger on the bike, as you said, when you both go into the OS ( out season ) and capture your numbers , watts or heart rate, you will have a better position as to how far apart you two are. If he tests at higher rate than you or you to him. I don't see you two hanging side by side as we are not created equal.
In the short end of training either you are him will be stronger and faster as you both go longer the situation may flip flop and the other person may be stronger. It all depends on your own physiology.
And all this is to be determined in your OS.
I vote Eagleman.