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Bike test and run test for 2014OS INTWK1

Is it possible to replace the TrainerRoad 2014OS INTWK1 with Sufferfest's Rubber Glove? I know I'll be missing the 5' Vo2 Max test. I thought that I could do that separately before or after going through Rubber Glove. Or am I totally missing the point of the session? 

Wait a minute. That bulb on the top of my head just went on. I'll just play the section of the video that corresponds with the 20' section of Rubber Glove's FTP test while doing the 2014 Test Power workout. Sorted. I think.

Ok lemme type in my second question and maybe come up with an answer myself while I type...

I did a 5k road running race 8 days ago. Could that count towards the 5k Time Trial test? (nope no answer came to me)




  • @Cliff....let me know how that works out!!! Absolutely if you are happy with the 5k test you can do that. I added guidance to the Official OS FAQ page on that under the run section...

  • Ok so I've done the bike test on trainerroad. Using the Sufferfest video for the 20' test worked out really well I must say.

    Regards to my 5k test. Would that 5k I did a couple of Saturdays ago suffice? To be honest I won't be racing on the same course again as that race only takes place once a year, though I suppose I could repeat the test in future on the same route. My dilemma is I won't run so fast doing a 5k TT on my own as I do in a race. Would it be better for me to test on my own so I set up a repeatable benchmark ?


  • You can use the race for starters, but in the future a test course is best for frequency. Either way, getting the 5k done is important, so nice work!
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