Nov OS testing!
Hi Coach!
I was hoping you could help me out even though this is very last minute!!
I am starting NOS this week, and was planning to do my bike test today. My tri bike does not have a computer on it yet, and I was hoping to get it installed this weekend, but because of unavoidable circumstances, that didn't happen! So the computer won't be installed until Wednesday. Then I thought I would do the run test today....but I just ran a 5k race for charity yesterday and had a PR! Took over a minute off my time from August. 26:29 to 25:19 Woke up this morning and my legs feeling kinda tired. So I don't think today would be a great test the run. The race was about 45 minutes away and not somewhere where I would go back to I figured I should retest in my area this week. But now with my computer issues ect, I am LOST on how my testing and plan should go this week!! Should I do the run test tomorrow and maybe bike test Thursday? And what should I do the days in between? I hope all my questions make sense! I was hoping all my ducks would be in a row (regarding my equipment ect) by yesterday.
What should I do? Thanks coach!
Damn ducks is right!! UGH! haha
Thank you for getting back to me. I just wanted to you don't think I need to retest the run? Even though I will not go back to this race route to test again (too far away!). I didn't know if I should do a treadmill test this week. However, I am running a 5K the next 2 weekends (yikes!) both for charities though, so I feel they are important. I was going to consider the runs as my 20 min (or so, because I'm not that speedy...YET) runs on Saturday. I could keep track of my paces so I have an accurate idea of where I am at right now. Thoughts?
Thank you coach! I will bike test tomorrow and use a HR monitor on Sundays race.