Endurance Films offer through 10/31/13

50% off All Endurance Films Videos plus FREE GIFT!
As we head into the winter season, our friends at Endurance Films have an incredible exclusive offer for all of Endurance Nation. Get a 50% Storewide Discount on Endurance Films' industry leading endurance sports video library. Go her to get the EN promo code: https://endurancefilms.com/store/EnduranceNation.html
This offer is good until midnight October 31, 2013, so act fast.
And don’t forget your FREE GIFT -- As an added bonus, anyone who makes a purchase using the exclusive promo code now and October 31, 2013will get a Free Download (a $14.95 value) of “Triathon: Through the Eyes of the Elite.” This groundbreaking documentary chronicled the formation of the very first U.S. Olympic Triathlon Team when the sport made its Olympic debut at the 2000 Sydney Games.