Dave Tallo Kona 2013 Race Report
Now that the tan has faded and I've started to regain some of the vigor that I cooked off in HI, it's time for me to post a RR.
OA 10:20:15
Swim 1:07:32
t1 2:51
Bike 5:20:49
t2 3:33
Run 3:45:30
Key points on the mechanics of the race:
-swim was 4' faster than 2012, and shows midterm progress along my "get to 1:00 in a wetsuit IM in two years" swim goal. started near the cannon 3 bodies back from the line, pushed for about 400m with little to no contact, and found feet for about 95% of the swim.
-Bike was executed as "EN Plus," with a slightly more aggressive 30' than I would normally do, putting myself at z2 almost immediately. However, this is inevitable or unavoidable because of the elevation profile of the course - there's just not a lot of easy pedaling for the first 30'. TSS 276, NP 194, VI 1.05 (I coasted a lot on descents on the outbound). First 56 was a NP of about 192, return 196. Stayed very very aero with a low helmet for much of the ride, and kept my head very still. about 3+ bottles of fluid an hour.
-T1s and 2 were non-events. non-events are good. Probably could have been some time found if I had really been pushing and looking for "racing t's," and now that I think about it, I should have.
-Run was the disappointment of the day, where I just didn't bring back the time that I normally count on. I think I've been a 3:3x runner with a VERY strong final 8 miles in the last ten or so IMs I've done, and this was a 3:45 that felt off. Although it was a steady forward progression, and I was able to keep race pace after the 18 mile mark / turnaround in the Energy Lab, I didn't have the same push for those miles that I normally have. I don't think it was a case of overbiking, though, as this was a relatively easy effort on the ride ... instead, it seems like I might have been racing my desired / 2006 through 2012 VDOT, instead of my actual. On the brighter side, heat was not an issue on the run, attrutable entirely to my gift-to-self of two weeks of pre-race climate acclimatization (and condition-specific tss) - in Kona
There's a big risk in the remainder of this RR sounding exceedingly negative, which is not what I am trying to do. Nor am I ungrateful - I had my SO and family cheering me on through the course, and they lit up my day. With the mechanics of race day addressed above, though, these are some of the points that I've been thinking about after a few weeks away from the race:
- The race seemed to go mostly according to plan, where I was able to keep to the script I had outlined in the race plan, and execute. Although there were a variety of very minor tweaks that I made during race day, the EN Execution Model was the foundation that I carried into the race. It's proven itself time and time again, and I can't imagine racing any other way. It works very, very well.
- The race went according to the bigger strategy pieces I set out in the plan: a solid race based on the fitness I had, with ample respect for the unique challenges of the course.
- There was a 28 minute improvement over my race in Kona in 2012, albeit in completely different conditions.
With these things said, I'm oddly disappointed with the outcome, and really feel like I had let myself down by not achieving the sub-10 finish I had been hoping for. Make no mistake ... I'm hugely grateful for having the chance to race there and am pleased with the outcome. However, I have been having real difficulties since the second I crossed the finish line trying to shake the sense of having failed to chase down the time that I should or could have.
After swishing it around since getting back to Toronto, I'm realizing that this is coming down to a year of just not wanting it badly enough to *really* do what was absolutely necessary to yield the fitness required to get to that result. It's been a tough admission to make, but now that I'm looking at the build to Kona since November 2012, I'm seeing much of the last year as my "Fat Rocky" year, where I figured I could just keep plugging away, doing the same things I've done every year, and expecting the same results with 15-20 minutes magically being lopped off the clock.
This was most acutely the case in my body composition: for the last number of years, I've been able to let my weight slide over the colder months with the expectation that I will drop the pounds in the training season. Which has happened with alarming regularity and consistency, but just didn't happen this time around. So, I spent much of the OS, and then on to the in-season, running at slower-than-normal run paces and carrying around a lot of excess baggage. Although I was pretty lean by the time I actually toed the line, by then, the damage had been done, and I had forfeit a season of running at 'bigger dave' paces, and left a year's worth of extra TSS on the table. It was something I had 100% control of for the year, and made bad choices thousands of times over 11 months that cost me a big piece of my goal.
I am also having to grudgingly admit that there was time lost - or not realized - based on my default equipment choices. I loved riding my ti frame and bonti 6.5s, and acknowledging that go-faster equipment is going to make me go faster just drives me nuts - the race should be about personal performance first, and buying speed isn't really the same as earning the outcome; it's buying it. I like toys, and I want a PB, and everyone else has the toys in the field. Particularly this field. As much as I want to be a bit of a purist about it, it remains that a superbike would be 4-5 minutes faster, 808s FCs / Jet 90s would yield maybe another 4.5 minutes, and everyone else is running top of the line stuff in this field.
Last: I just didn't do the mental prep that was really necessary for an overcoming outcome. Although PMc's Kona briefing (which I've heard twice each of the years I raced Kona and *thought* I had internalized) empahsized the mental strength as one of the top 3 items you HAVE TO HAVE in Hawaii, I just didn't bring it. I'm equally frustrated about this because my mental game in races has been a point of pride in the past ... I've traditionally been very very deliberate about following a series of mental training exercises, tricks, queues, and preparations for any race, where this time I thought "let's see ... mental game: well, I've done the race before, and I've proven I'm a mentally tough guy in other "IMs. So, check." This wasn't enough to excel in the race, and was inadequate for any honest-to-goodness best effort. I worked hard that day, yes, but I didn't have the skillset to turn myself inside out, nor the will to really go deep. There was a point somewhere along the return in the Energy Lab - after mile 18, where I normally find a lot of strength, where I toggled my Garmin to the time of day and saw that I was probably going to finish outside 10:00, and just though "whatever."
There's a lot to take away from this experience, and as you can see, I'm still trying to make some sense of it. Probably the biggest item that's sitting with me is it's just not enough to want to earn a certain outcome or time or placing or whatever ... at some point, it starts to come down to every hokey sports cliche about wanting it badly enough to do what's necessary to achieve it. This might be a good thing to animate me a little differently as I go into the '14 season - as I said in my race bio, I WILL go under 10 at Kona, and I'm going to keep coming at it until I get there. I'll age up to 45-49 next year and will try to earn a spot at IM Canada or IMLou.
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I have always loved reading your posts and always learn a lot from them.
I was very excited for you when you first made it to Kona and was impressed in how you transitioned from "I hope I go KQ', to "I expect to go KQ' — a very helpful (IMO) change in your mindset — as Al often says, its 50% physical and 90% mental, quoting Yogi Berra.
Your (brutal) honesty in your self assessment has me cringing in front of my computer — I usually race at 68 kgs (150 pounds) but should race at 63 kgs — at the end of each of the last 3 seasons I always have thought that better body composition next season will help, but I keep putting it off.
So, you have really struck a chord with me (both body composition wise, as well as really burying myself over the last third of the race) — which to my shame used to be one of my few natural assets.
So you have made me critically re-assess my approach and have ire-nvigorated my determination — so thanks heaps for that!
Anyway, I'll be cheering you on as you continue to chase your goals.
Thanks for the candor and a great report Dave! That mental mojo can be a slippery little sucker. Sounds like a sub “optimal” race may help you reassess, dig deeper and come back even stronger. Best of luck – you are not alone!
You'll rock it again soon enough!
You have been and continue to be one of the most influential people to me on EN. Was a pleasure to meet you in person, and an honor to race beside/behind you in KONA ,to see you in action.
Bringing your 100% mental game to KONA is gonna be tough unless you are podium material...... There is nothing to be gained other than a few slots in the rankings and a faster time than last year (which you crushed).... I don't think I could peak my mental game for those kinds of rewards..... Unlike your KQ you had so much more riding on the outcome I think it is easier to be disciplined and show up @ desired body comp and ready to bury yourself in that dark place....Its all about individual goals but I would rather save that kind of performance for another KQ !
You have earned the right to treat yourself to some new fast triathlon toys..... You have the engine and a few free (very expensive minutes) are worthy of the engine!
I totally identify with Tim's comment above. This was my exact problem the second time I went to Vegas. I tried to set a few goals like "top half of my age group" and "course PR". I got both of those goals but didn't feel too fulfilled. It sounds Dave like sub-10 on that course might be enough of a goal to get your head in the game but I wonder based on your comments.
Regarding body comp, I really struggle with that. I had it in my head that I'd get down to the low 130's for my first marathon this fall and had 6 months to do it. All I had to do was lose 5-7lb and stabilize at that level. But I never made it happen and felt terrible becuase it was totally wihin my control and I just didn't do it.
1. Props on no Sophomore Slump @ Kona.
2. My Rx: no structured training until after the New Year. S/B/and R as you feel you need and want, but discard the PM, pace watch and clock at the pool. Go somewhere else with your thoughts and spirit. Ironman will still be there when you come back, refreshed.