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McKenzie Training Season 2014

Hi Rich

So just transferred from Trial to EN Full member today.  When I submitted my season survey I had a couple of races that were questionable.  Both I have realized in reading the Self-Coaching guide, that neither of the HIM races I chose would be good for me in relation to the A races I have of IMCDA AND IMLT.  

I will not have any races prior to IMCDA.  Is this a problem?  I won't be doing the Auburn International 1/2. It is only 6 weeks prior to IMCDA and Vineman 70.3 is only 2 weeks after.   The EN idea is very new to me and I am excited about it, I just don't know exactly how to plan other than follow the plan you laid out.  Last year I did several Olympic distance and 1/2 ironmans prior to Tahoe which was my first Ironman.  While I love the shorter distances for fun, my ultimate goal is to improve my performance in the Ironman.

So far loving the website, forums and team.  

Looking forward to racing with EN for awhile.


Thanks Rich



  • Hey Kim,

    Obvious you're in CA, correct? Have you considered going Wildflower? I'm going to make it an EN Key Race this year and will work to get as many EN athletes out there as possible. It's a tough race, super fun, a great running goal, and excellent timing for IMCDA. I've done the WF / CDA double several times. It works.
  • Rich,

    Yes in Auburn CA. Sorry I didn't include that. I will look int Wildflower as well

    One other question and I don't know if this is the correct place to post. Do the weekly workouts download to excel or other type spreadsheet? I know your not programmers but I noticed a sample week in your FAQ had it laid out different which is super helpful in planning ahead.

    Thanks and sorry if I missed something super easy.


  • Posted By Kim McKenzie on 31 Oct 2013 03:16 PM


    Yes in Auburn CA. Sorry I didn't include that. I will look int Wildflower as well

    One other question and I don't know if this is the correct place to post. Do the weekly workouts download to excel or other type spreadsheet? I know your not programmers but I noticed a sample week in your FAQ had it laid out different which is super helpful in planning ahead.

    Thanks and sorry if I missed something super easy.


    No, sorry, we don't have the plans available for download. We do have views that tell you what the upcoming weekly and long run/bike volumes will be though, you can find them here.

    Please understand that you're paying us month to month so it wouldn't be very smart of us to give everyone the keys to download every week of all 30+ training plans. I don't think we'd be in business very long 

  • Hey Rich,

    Trying to sign up for the National Rally in Tucson.  When I hit "register" nothing happens. Is there another place to sign up?


    I was just curious on the plans to have in a different format, not trying to get anything ahead.  I am loving the coaching support and all that I am learning from other threads.  I hope I didn't offend you.  





  • Posted By Kim McKenzie on 06 Nov 2013 01:01 PM

    Hey Rich,

    Trying to sign up for the National Rally in Tucson.  When I hit "register" nothing happens. Is there another place to sign up?


    I was just curious on the plans to have in a different format, not trying to get anything ahead.  I am loving the coaching support and all that I am learning from other threads.  I hope I didn't offend you.  




    Clicking on the Register button takes you down the page to instructions for mailing your deposit to me. Is it not doing that for you?

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