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Team EN Update 10.31.13

TeamEN Update 10.31.13

In This Issue:

EN Wants You!

Call To Action

Race Update

From The Wiki

Sponsor/Discounts Update

Admin Update




EN Wants You!
2014 Ironman Training Camps -- The Coaches will conduct six (6!) training camps on the Ironman courses next year: Texas, Lake Placid, Mont Tremblant, Wisconsin, Lake Tahoe, and Chattanooga. Each camp features three very solid days of training on the course as well as over 5hrs of instruction on how to race every inch of these courses. TeamEN members receive a considerable discount on the camps, as RnP want to create a competitive advantage for you on race day by teaching you how to be an Ironman Execution Ninja!! We've increased our prices for these 2014 camps, but are honoring 2013 prices through December 31st, 2013. Visit the Ironman Training Camps page for our complete schedule and details.

Call To Action
The OutSeason has begun and this is a great time of year to make the investment in training and racing with a powermeter. Coach Rich has been a Powertap and Quarq dealer for years and years, offering team pricing to EN members through Wheelbuilder.com. Interested in a quote? Please email Coach Rich at rich@endurancenation.us

Race Update
IMFlorida peeps race this weekend on Saturday, November 2. Links to the trackers, bio etc. will be on the dashboard.

From The Wiki
Brand new guidance on how to master the Bike Aid Stations in your next big race!! Many new edits made to the Wiki in preparation for the OutSeason...you can view all recent changes here.

Sponsor/Discounts Update
50% off All Endurance Films Videos plus FREE GIFT!
As we head into the winter season, our friends at Endurance Films have an incredible exclusive offer for EN. Get a 50% Storewide Discount on Endurance Films' industry leading endurance sports video library. To receive your exclusive promo code, visit here.

This offer is good until midnight TONIGHT October 31, 2013, so act fast.

And don’t forget your FREE GIFT!
As an added bonus, anyone who makes a purchase using the exclusive promo code now and October 31, 2013 will get a Free Download (a $14.95 value) of “Triathon: Through the Eyes of the Elite.” This groundbreaking documentary chronicled the formation of the very first U.S. Olympic Triathlon Team when the sport made its Olympic debut at the 2000 Sydney Games.

Last week of the SOLO Jump Squat challenge. Can you reach the challenge goal? Deets can be found here.

On the horizon for challenges:

Next week we start our next SOLO challenge which is the Pushup Challenge.

TEAM Marathon Relay challenge starts the weekend of November 16-17. Keep an eye on the challenge forum and dashboard for deets.

35 Million pounds of candy corn are produced every year. Had to confirm that one, as we were pretty sure everyone’s just using the same candy corn every year but passing it around from house to house via trick or treating. Huh.

There you go.

Keep on truckin’!

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