Epic fail Week 1
Lousy week - got sick, had major projects at work and my mom came in for a visit. This equaled major fail on all workouts except the bike and run test. Looking forward to a reset starting tomorrow.
Thank you for the opportunity to vent,
Because of prior commitments, and being at NYC marathon to cheer on my cousin, last week consisted of a bike and run test and thats it. Back to work tomorrow.
I totally melted in my run test and had to set some realistic training zones to track my progress until the next test in 8 weeks. Patrick had some real good advice in the week #2 video in our training plan.
14 weeks is a long time. No one, two, or even a bad week is going to make or break this OS!
I started my reset with yoga and acupuncture!
I am getting on my bike tomorrow - early - as in first thing - as in no email, FB - put my daughters on the bus and down to the pain cave before work.
Have a great Tuesday and THANK YOU to everyone for thoughtful responses!