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Epic fail Week 1

Lousy week - got sick, had major projects at work and my mom came in for a visit. This equaled major fail on all workouts except the bike and run test. Looking forward to a reset starting tomorrow.

 Thank you for the opportunity to vent,



  • Beth, don't let it get you down. LOOOOOOOONNNNNGGGG way until next race season. Let life happen as it happens and you'll get it going. Testing weeks are usually gimmie's anyways. The real fun starts Tuesday image
  • Beth- I feel the same way. Had to travel for work so didn't get all the sessions in as well, and today's makeup for thurs bike +sat. run kinda sucked. I'm letting it go and pressing "reset" and getting ready to rock week 2! I think I left my friends Mo and Jo in Cali. They better make it back to CT soon!
  • Because of prior commitments, and being at NYC marathon to cheer on my cousin, last week consisted of a bike and run test and thats it. Back to work tomorrow.

  • You guys beat me- I was sick the first half of the week and then out of town, so all I got was the run test and one run. Going to bike test in just a few minutes. I really liked what CoachP said in the coach chat last week that all this is really just bonus. Don't get down on yourself now, focus on what you are getting done!
  • @Rachel - you got the big idea. Like Roy said above, test weeks are gimmies. You can actually go to http://www.attackpoint.org/trainingpaces.jsp and plug in a recent run race time and set your training zones. For the bike, that might be a little harder if you are like me and going from outside to a trainer. Then, you just gotta knock out the test and take it from there.

    I totally melted in my run test and had to set some realistic training zones to track my progress until the next test in 8 weeks. Patrick had some real good advice in the week #2 video in our training plan.

    14 weeks is a long time. No one, two, or even a bad week is going to make or break this OS!

  • Week 2 wahooooo!

    I started my reset with yoga and acupuncture!

    I am getting on my bike tomorrow - early - as in first thing - as in no email, FB - put my daughters on the bus and down to the pain cave before work.

    Have a great Tuesday and THANK YOU to everyone for thoughtful responses!
  • Yes no week one for me too due to illness.      Hit my cyclocross race yesterday.    Maybe have set myself back so will see if I can get into week 2.          stuff happens.     as said, it is a long season.      Rest is a good thing.
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