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Edwin Croucher's Micro Thread


      I have a workout schedule question. On Tuesday 11/12/13 I have to travel away from home for work. I will be back on Wednesday in the afternoon. I will be able to get a run workout in, What should I do on that Tuesday? My scheduled workout is:

Tuesday 60 min
MS: 2 x 15' (4') @ 95-100%/Zone4/Hard. Remainder of any time you have available (if any, not required) @ 80-85%/Zone3/Mod-Hard.

Coach Notes: don't worry about high or low cadence on these sessions. Get the goal watts or heart rate you need at whatever cadence that happens to be at. PLENTY of time to work on ideal cadence later in the season.

Tuesday 25 min
MS: 20' @ EP/Z1/Easy + 5 x uphill 20" Strides.

Coach Notes: Strides as 30 left-foot steps in twenty seconds, top-end speed but not all out! Recover approximately 30" after each effort.


  • @Edwin, sorry I just saw this. In the future for sub-24 hour turnaround please test me: (617) 513-3830. I would have had you do your interval run for this week in place of the bike/run, and then workout Wed pm and Thursday pm, before Friday off (assuming your are in the OS!).
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