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Happy birthday Heather!

Training friend, Heather Bender turns 25 today!  I met her for coffee after her ride and we talked about her upcoming Escape from Alcatraz.  she says she needs a buddy for some cold water swims! and we gotta practice by jumping off stuff and not easing into cold water! we also pondered where we can go to practice running up steps.... hmm.. I am not doing this race with her but of course said I would don my neoprene once again!  and go run some bleachers with her.  we also talked about IMMOO camp and IMWI 6 mos out!   it is great to have a friend and buddy like her!....  she doesn't post #### like I do, but has represented EN well at IMKY, IMCDA, IMLP and now IMWI!  and of course my heart swelled with pride when she walked across the podium last year at IMLP!!  so Happy Birthday to Heather!  m


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