Best Bike Split - beta testers sought
A local tri, cycling and math geek guy I know, created a new site called "Best Bike Split" and is looking for test subjects. Here's his little blurb...
I am trying to get some beta testers for a new project I'm working on. I have a new optimization model that looks at a Rider's specific power details and attempts to estimate finishing time and ideal power output for future races based on many variables (some listed below)
-Bike/Wheel/Helmet type
-Rider Position
-Elevation Profile
-Bearing/direction profile
-Road Conditions
-Weather (Temp,Humidity,Wind Direction/speed)
- etc....
Currently I have about 20 age group athletes and a couple of Pros beta testing this to help refine the model, but I wanted to see if any Fit2Trainers would also be interested in helping out. Specifically, I'm curious to see how close the model is to your previous race efforts in terms of time estimates. So far for most 70.3 and lower it tends to be within a minute or two. If you are interested (Ernesto for sure), just sign up with the link and code below.
betacode: bbsbetateam
The site outputs power profiles and race plans in formats for garmin (910/500/800), trainerroad and computrainer if you want to pre-ride any of your races modeled power profiles.
Thanks for your help. Not really sure what i'm going to do with this, but math and cycling is fun....
Figured we had enough power knowledge, power data and tri-geekery in da haus for him to spend YEARS analyzing the data.
What say you...Help a fellow tri-geek out?!?