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more info on brick workouts

I know folks have asked about this but I can't find the detail I need.

Are people cutting the run volume down if done as a brick on a bike day (like OS last year?)

For instance this past Saturday for bike main set it was 2x12' Z4 the 2x15' Z3 and 50' for the run. I did the run as a brick and only did 30'. Are we not supposed to cut the run time down if doing a brick? Should I have run 50' instead of 30'? Thanks.


  • @David we have left the "cutting run volume down" to folks on an independent basis given the importance of annually accumulated run volume (as in accrued across a full year). You can cut down the session if required for life / scheduling reasons, no worries. You don't miss anything in one individual session, but just be aware of the long term repercussions in relation to what your overall season / run goals might be (I don't know!). image
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