lingering side stitch
I got a bad side stitch in my half-marathon yesterday. Really bad. I battled through it and although it didn't totally go away, it subsided enough that I could finish the race.
Today, the next day, I still have the side stitch. It isn't brutal but it's there. I've never had one that lingered. Is that normal? Any ideas to make it go away?
I get side stitches frequently when I run "fast"
. I have heard/read of a few theories, but really don't know what causes the darn things. I've always felt like they were a "cramp" of the diaphragm? Maybe you "strained" your diaphragm? I have nothing intelligent to add! Sorry. Keep us posted if you figure it out though.
My theory is that it was my punishment for not listening to my body and pushing through the side stitch :-)
The stitch was still present yesterday (Tuesday, 2 days after the race), but today it feels a lot better. I'm glad to hear this has happened to someone else and that it resolved.