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lingering side stitch

I got a bad side stitch in my half-marathon yesterday. Really bad. I battled through it and although it didn't totally go away, it subsided enough that I could finish the race.

Today, the next day, I still have the side stitch. It isn't brutal but it's there. I've never had one that lingered. Is that normal? Any ideas to make it go away?


  • I  get side stitches frequently when I run "fast".  I have heard/read of a few theories, but really don't know what causes the darn things.  I've always felt like they were a "cramp" of the diaphragm?  Maybe you "strained" your diaphragm?  I have nothing intelligent to add!  Sorry.  Keep us posted if you figure it out though.  

  • Hey Matt, nice job battling through it. I don't have any good advice but I can remember two distinct races where I pushed through a side stitch and then could still feel it for the next two days after the race. It was not nearly as bad but it was definitely uncomfortable and I knew it was there. Both times I did nothing and they went away on their own.

    My theory is that it was my punishment for not listening to my body and pushing through the side stitch :-)
  • Thanks for the input guys and Matt A great to see you're obviously still lurking around!!

    The stitch was still present yesterday (Tuesday, 2 days after the race), but today it feels a lot better. I'm glad to hear this has happened to someone else and that it resolved.
  • Stop running so fast!
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