Selective Glute Activation Exercise
As someone who is incredibly hamstring dominant, as well as with treating similar patients in PT, I have found that you can strengthen the glutes a ton and still have them not fire when you actually run. Grr. I found this today and I really like the "Selective Glut Activation – The Running Pattern" - more of a functional position and you get good ab activation too.
Hope others can benefit, and would love to hear what you all think of it.
Second link works when accessing via the forums.
@Rachel - I like that drill. I can immediately feel my gluteus firing in that position. I have been working with a sports medicine doctor who has been helping me recover from knee problems that he believes were caused by my knee collapsing inward due in part to my glutes not activating properly. Before every run i now do clamshells and side lying leg extensions (not sure about the technical name) and i think i'll try adding "the running pattern" drill as well and see how it goes.
On a side note, my doc also has me doing the bridge walk down drill mentioned in the same article, but with my feet on an exercise ball. That exercise is a killer especially trying to do it with one leg.
Thanks for posting!
Other good and more fun strengthening for glute med is doing some breast stroke kick at the pool and ice skating/rollarblading.