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Team EN Update 11.26.13

TeamEN Update 11.26.13

In This Issue:

  • Thankful for You, dear reader.

  • IM Cozumel this weekend

  • Nutrition Webinar

  • From the Forums

  • Challenges


A Word of Thanks

If you’re here in the US, you’re most likely celebrating Thanksgiving this week. We’d like to take this opportunity to wish you, all of you everywhere, safe travels and good times! We’re thankful for YOU- for being a part of the team, for representing at races, and for bringing the other half of this equation. You make Team EN tick. THANK YOU.

Some of Us Aren’t on a Break!

IMCozumel peeps race this weekend. Check out the dashboard for links on how to track and support your fellow members racing this weekend.

Sign up for the Nutrition Webinar

What do you mean this green bean casserole isn’t good for me? Oh heck with it, don’t worry about it. EN is hosting a webinar with Core Diet on December 10 on Day to Day Nutrition. Details and signup here.

From the Forums

OS Nutrition Public Service Announcement - if you are feeling like the workouts are getting tougher, and you are getting tired, this might be the thread for you.


This is the last week of the November challenges! Next up is the Holiday Run Challenge and the Core Challenge. Check out the dashboard for details on how to take part. Also keep your eyes open for the Secret Santa Gift Exchange Program.


In 1929, the balloons in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade were outfitted with valves to allow helium to slowly seep out, and the balloons were released into the air at the end of the parade. The balloons had return address labels attached so if any viewers were lucky enough to find the balloons they would get a “special gift” from Macy's. Lucky? Who wants a giant Snoopy balloon in your back yard? Just kidding, that sounds awesome.

With gratitude,


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