Graham P's Micro Thread
Hi R&P,
With the Christmas season nearly upon us, evening become booked up with kids school stuff which needs some re-jigging of Outseason plans! I'm about to start week 7 of the Outseason.
So I wont be able to can't make Thursday's V02 bike session - should i take a day off and move it Friday and then continue with the Sat run/bike and Sun run, then Monday off as usual?
Also Christmas day will be a Wednesday and I'll be stuck in the house with the family (no exercise allowed!) It also looks like the Saturday will be a washout. How should I adjust my week 10 OS plan??
And a 3rd Question: OS Week 10 Sat bike ride is a follows
MS: 2 x 18' (4') @ 95-100%/Zone4/Hard. Remainder of any time you have available (if any, not required) @ 80-85%/Zone3/Mod-Hard.
Coach Notes: IF you have the resources and time (ie, can get outside, not a strain on personal or family life) and / or are moving from the OS plan into the HIM or IM plan, it would be a good idea turn this ride into 2-3hrs by adding Z2-3 time as you feel. But DO NOT DO THIS if you are on a trainer unless specifically told to do so by the coaches!!!
Will be dropping into the Get faster (bike) programme (from 10-Feb) - so I'm assuming keep the bike time as 1hr 30mins on the Turbo trainer? Since the weather will be bad until end march, whats the maximum time for training on the Turbo?
If you are feeling okay, I suggest bumping Tuesday/Wed to Monday / Tuesday, then taking Wed off. Thursday as planned, then Saturday bike on Friday so Sat can be OFF, then Sunday as planned! How does that sound?
Finally, yes keep the rides to 75-90' on the Turbo trainer...anything else is too much too soon right now. We are sharpening, not really broadening you fitness at this stage of the year.
Hi Coach
I've been planning and negotiating with the BOSS at home for my next training block, my Get faster and then the HIM and IM plans. As a result I have more questions for you
1. Swimming - I can swim Mon, Wed. Fri. Can I just swap the swim sessions around from Tues to Weds or should I swap the whole days around?
2. Due to family commitments on Saturdays until around 5pm (kids stuff, more important and fun than training!) I'm can't do the Sat long ride. I can do a run (upto an hr) and an ABP session in the evening on the Turbo trainer (upto 2hrs). I can ride long on a Sunday. Should I swap around the Sat and Sun sessions (my concern is the level of fatigue approx 12 hrs after the ABP), or move the ABP ride to another day (e.g. Weds)
3. Swimming. No swimming until Swim camp on 3-Feb. Happy happy joy hoy.. However, since I swim like a brick and swimming is mostly technique should I also incorporate a SINGLE weekly technique session (i.e. Position / Propulsion Drills, Swim Golf, Focus Swimming etc) to get a head start on technique improvement?
Many thanks
And 2 more questions.
I tweaked my calf (they have been generally sore thou-out the OS training) on my Sunday 75min run. I walked the remaining 2 miles back home, iced and elevated it. Monday saw physio. Felt fine yesterday so I did the 1hr20min Tues bike ride. No soreness.Today went out for the Tues VO2 runs - started running and within 20yds it immediately started hurting again. So I binned the run and went and did some core work. Planning to rest it up until next week and attempt again..
4. What advice do you have on starting back running next week? Launching back into VO2 runs is likely to aggregate the calf, meaning more down time.
5. What should I do instead of the planned OS run sessions. Biking is my weakness so I was considering replacing the Weds and Sunday runs by hopping on the turbo for a MS of 45mins @ 0.80-85IF ride (and dropping the Tues/Sat runs as I'll be on the bike later anyway)
#1 -- Yes, you can move the swim only to Wed from Tuesday. Then you just run only on Tuesday and on Wed you Swim and Bike (no brick until final 6 weeks), no other switching needed.
#2 -- ABP of 90 minutes with a 30' run after should be fine on Sat. Then long ride on Sunday as planned…you might be a little under your targets but not such that it will hurt you.
#3 -- No swimming. Gets you nothing now. If you want to get ahead, do some stretch cord exercises to get back on track….rotator cuff, etc. Examples in the Resources // Wiki // Swim section.
#4 -- Calf means running with minimal intensity for 2 weeks….would rather have you run, or run for time, vs adding intensity now…you have officially hit your "limit" with "work" until you are healthy again. So follow plan, but run for time in Zones 1-2.
#5 -- Our usual OS edit (in the Resources // Wiki // Self Coaching // Master OutSeason Page is that you ride Tues/Thurs/Sat as planned and then do an additional bike (ABP or repeat Thursday) on Sunday. Wed could be a swim day if you aren't running in the interim (but in #4 above it seems like you are running)…you're call!!!
Hope that helps!
~ Patricks
Hi Coach
Couple of Qs for you.
Just coming out of the GF programme and dropping into HIM programme at week 13 next week. Its a long bank holiday in the UK for week 14 - should I continue to stick on plan for the Saturday with the HIM RR or do the wk15 Sat 3hr/Sun 2hr bike rides? I'm with in-laws so can get out both days if needed
I haven't been off the turbo this season and I have a 97 mile Sportif in 5 weeks - should i stay on the turbo or get some fresh air / wind / rain? My Longest Turbo ride is 2hr 30, and I'm a bit nervous about over extending myself (despite your comments from EN members turning up bike camp and coping). I'm aiming to the ride at 0.70-0.75 IF - is this right?
Tx, Graham
Seriously though, don't forget the emphasis is on that solid last hour that's where the magic happens.
Hi Coach,
Need some help... recently posted on the training forum about being battered and losing my mojo as the volume goes up.( So I took the teams advice. More sleep. Focus on the now. So this week did the Monday swim (all good,my longest swim at 2.6km the cramped up on the warm down) .Rolled legs today, fueled and hopped on the turbo to do the Wk 16 HIM Int MS1: 8' (2') @ 95-100%/Zone4/Hard. 10' (3') @ 95-100%/Zone4/Hard. 12' (4') @ 95-100%/Zone4/Hard. 10' (5') @ 95-100%/Zone4/Hard and MS2: 3 x 10' (2') @ 80-85%/Zone3/Mod-Hard.
Got thou the 1st 2.5 sets of MS1 before it became a 1min on 1 min off, at around 0.90 IF. Legs / mind were not in the same county, so gave it up for the day, determined to regroup and come back stronger (or less fatiguged)
So my proposed plan for the rest of this week is as follows:
Weds: SWIM
Thurs: BIKE: 120m ABP ride Outside (vs 150min)
Sat: Turbo trainer bike 60min (vs 80min): MS: 8' (2') @ 95-100%/Zone4/Hard. 12' (3') @ 95-100%/Zone4/Hard. 15' (5') @ 95-100%/Zone4/Hard
Sun: 60 min 2 x 1 mile (2') @ z4
Monday back on week 17 of plan

I'm cancelling the planned 2hr Long run as it really takes it out of me - 2 days to recover - last weeks 100min long run was actually a 4 min PR Half Mary while in Z2!!! Look what u've done to me!!
Also week after next I have my 1st long (96mile) ride of the year - I'm planning to ride this at 0.70-0.75 IF - is this about right? (thinking about downstream events so I'm not in the same hole as at the moment).
Cheers for ur comments, Graham
Week 17 of HIM plan and I'm planning the following:
Mon: day off - family stuff
Tues: MS of 2x15 @ 0.90-0.95 and 2x 30 0.80-.85 followed by 0.70-0.75 upto 2hrs 30 (slightly less than the sat ride as on turbo)
Weds: swim
Thurs: half IM run RR - 13 miles - approx 1hr 40 (or should I extend this to my hilly 15miler for 2hrs)
Fri: IM RR swim
Sat: 60min run with 2x Z4
Sun: 96 mile Sportif (ABP) at 0.75-0.80 IF - expect to be around 5hr 45 (longest ride of year)
Note absence of power test as will do in week 12 of IM test which is only 5 weeks away
Coach - long bike done 122 mins on turbo.
MS1 - Z4 stuff - 2x 15 mins @ 0.94 and 0.95
MS2 - Z3 stuff - 2x 30 mins @ 0.82 and 0.80
Both sets at lower end of target range, but am pleased with the effort.Chocolate milk, shower and off to bed for me - its already past my bedtime !
bumpty bump....
Sorry I missed this earlier, I think you're right on track. I'm only concerned about your ability to recover between the long run and the Sunday workout. Even if you arent well enough recovered I know you'll be able to do it, it just means you'll be exhausted well into the following week which we don't want.
Depending on how you feel after today's run I think tomorrow should really be a short easy day before the weekend. Maybe even off. That workout on Sunday is such a big deal, I want to make sure you hundred percent. Also remember you need to fuel the heck out of that long ride. Definitely plan accordingly with calories and do your best to support with your own fuel as frequently as possible.
Ok, I'll swim tonight, drop the Sat run to allow additional recovery and then drop into wk18 Swim as planned on Monday
I shall be using the long ride as an early RR practising my IM nutrition and pacing
Can you confirm hrly recommended calorie intake - the IMfoodcal spreadsheet suggests 395, other on the forum 250 cals. I'm going to practice 395 cal on Sunday
I did the RR Long run last night - did it all wrong (Reflecting back I was stressed after work, under fueled, under hydrated. Lesson learnt). Result calf cramps, and what felt like a death march from mile9 onwards. Good for mental toughness as I go it done. Hit Z2 targets miles 1-8 and then ended up drifting to approx 30sec slower (keeping in Z2 HR) -13.1 mile, 1hr 41. av pace 7:38 (vs targeted 7:30), Will use this for my HIM predicted time.
Finally - another hack - I have a big bike weekend (3 days, 115 miles and 7,000ft climbing) planned 1 week out from my the HIM before I drop into week 11 of the IM plan. Stop shaking your head, i know what you are thinking. The HIM is a B race which I know will be tired at (I know I did the same last year) - its practising EN race execution The weekend is fun, with my mates and kick starts the final run into IM long bike rides (I'm only at 60 miles now remember - this time last year I had already done 10+ rides at 90+ miles!). Thinking of downstream impacts, how should I week the IM wk 11 plan ?
Cheers G
As for the big bike weekend, that's totally fine. Should connect with Jed Van who just did that at the Blue Ridge camp before racing this weekend. I'm all about the big bike weekend and if the half Ironman is truly a beautiful race, it's a nonissue. You can spend the week between the camp and the race doing lots of swimming and short runs.
You should do regular week up until the big bike week, including the long run on Thursday. I'd rather you keep the training load up, we can always have you recover more afterwards.
Back again for some Mano Mano advice!! Bit of a rant so hold on.
Just completed Outlaw HIM this weekend. For some reason I'm feeling gutted and disappointed, despite posting a 5:21 coming 71st out of 221 in my AG. Crazy crazy I know. BUT despite good exectution on the bike (182 TSS, 0.80IF VI 1.05) the run was bad - I was 9 mins behind my target. Miles 1-3 were bang on Z2 + 30sec (@ 8:00 m/mile), miles 4-7 were around target at 7:35ish and then I started slowing down to 8m/ mile 8-10 and then the walk run strategy took place for miles 11-end. Huge pains in legs!! Target was 1h 39 but finished in 1hr 48. Nutrition was as planned - Isogel at 20, 60 and 100 mins. HR on bike w
Am most gutted because I couldn't execute the run plan after mile 9 when I should have been getting faster. I also had this in on the HIM plan training runs, not being able to hold the pace at the end of longer runs.
Ok, my analysis is as follows (attempting to be self coached)
1) Overdid the bike - I noted that HR was constant over the duration of bike at av 157 -it didn't settle down after 25mins of 0.70 IF at start of ride, and was about 162 for the run - didn't feel hard. Normal training ranges are 145 for the bike and 155 for run.
One factor was that temp was 73 degs (10-15 degs warmer than most of my training) - I did adjust liquid nutrition.
2) Lack of run durability resulting in inability to maintain (let alone increase) pace at mile 9 (perhaps as yr1 in EN this is common)
3) Lack of Mental preparation - unlike race execution I hadn't done mental preparation / visualisation etc before. I was questioning what the hell I was doing on the bike (after 2 hrs or so) and on the run (at mile 8). Self doubt hit me big time. I mentally quitted despite 8 months of training and being I the best shape ever. I even talked myself out of my IM in 10 weeks time.
So your advice is needed on the following:
Should Just Let it go? (Sorry my girls have been singing this all the time since watching Frozen!)
Mental toughness - where to start?
Im now dropping into the week 11 of the IM plan and see that the big day is coming up so I can confront my uncoupling point... Since I already met my demons this weekend at the HIM should I revisit them or do something else - if so what (it's Monday and I'm feeling a little battered!)
My guess is a lot of the high performers in your race or actually to bring for the race, not burying himself and I am.
Your question about durability is certainly right on. That's what we have you walk 30 steps every aid station, but I'm not sure you did that either?. So it sounds like lessons learned include settling down the heart rate on the bike and improved aid station execution.
And not doing epic cycling the week before race where you care about the time. :-) And I miss anything?
I didn't walk the aid stations for the 1st 3 miles as I felt good... Learnt my lesson there. Won't happen again.
Just finished week 11 IM plan. Weds bike I hit 0.90 IF but hard work. Run and swims OK. Hacked the weekend - I felt I didn't need to see the demons from the HIM again - sat 4hr Ride 71 miles with 5x20 at 0.80IF in 24 degs... (Ouch). Sunday family day (was tired) Monday swim. Today was bike FTP test day. Managed the VO2 test at around 1.1 IF, and got 7 mins into the FTP test, HR172 really hard to hold at FTP. Crap. Crap crap. Again no mental ability to push thru and nothing in the legs
Remembering your previous podcast of things to watch out for - Sleep is normal, hydration ok, nutrition ok. My assessment is that I'm still fatigued from the big bike weekend the HIM and this weekend.
So planning to hack the rest of the week12 test week to get ready for the weekend sat / sun bike sessions.
Weds - rest
Thurs - 60mins, 2x1 mile Z4
Fri - swim test as per plan
Sat / sun - bike sessions as per plan
Looking at last years data I am at the same point in my fitness level... but this dropped by 25% in the last 10 weeks run into the IM. Symptoms then were apathy, not wanting to train, I've had enough of this, I'm totally battered (Fink plan).. I DO NOT WANT that to happen again as I'm fitter and faster than last year. I know it's the feet on ground get out there battle thru it, get on with it time (yeah the last 8 months have been a real honeymoon period- not!!) .
What advice / links do u have for managing the hardest part of the plan, the 10 week run in?
Cheers, G
On Sat 28-Jun I a 150mile bike ride (bucket list !) which resulted in 700 TSS points (10:30 hrs in saddle). Practised nutrition and pacing (0.75IF). Had fun with my fitness! Rest of week on plan.
04-Jul was the start of my camp weekend - yes I did swear at you for coming up with this idea. Hot weekend in UK (80 degs F). Completed the friday 6hr (106mile)x 1hr (6mile) on Friday. Absolutely nothing in the head or legs on Saturday - only did 1hr and was very hard to hit the 0.65IF warm up. Sunday I managed only 95min of the long run (I was 1min/mile down on Z2 pace). So lots of tiredness still in the system. As per Wk16 IM plan I'm starting back on weds.
Anyway questions for u:
Mid week (Thursday) of Wk18 I'm off on family holiday so I'm pulling forward the 2nd RR + brick by 1 week. Should still do an 3hr ABP ride on Tues / Weds or have a 3 week taper?
The resort we are staying at has a 50m pool - so far I haven't yet got past 3,000m in the pool - what should I aim to do? For week 19 I was planning on alternative daily swims of 8x500s (approx 1hr 30) at race pace (30' rest) and 1 (or 2) sets per day of 5x400 (20'). Wk20 as per IM plan
Next weeks FTP test: my FTP at the end of the Get Faster sessions was 225W. I didn't complete the wk11 IM FTP test. Due to continued tiredness what should I do if 1) I don't complete the test again (stick @225W?? ) or 2) if I post a lower figure e.g. 210W do I reuse that new figure for the IM pacing.
Hating the volume and how tired I feel at the moment, but its only 8 weeks in total and I've only 3 weeks to go.
I've been reading the "life after IM" posts on the forum and I get the following: For 2 weeks do bugger all you wont be able to anyway!. Next 2 weeks next to nothing.
For my end of season post IM fun I have the following planned (before I take all of October off, then start up NOS again)
1) Half IM 4 weeks after the IM
2) Half Mary 8 weeks after the IM
What plan should I follow for the 2 events to keep up my fitness. I am aiming for PBs in both !!!