@Ray - great run, looks like you are certainly well on your road back to being competitive on the run to match your bike!
@Emily - solid run! Although we have test week coming up, you effectively did a test and can use your new zones based on that!
Today's run was a pleasant surprise. 32 degrees and overcast and motivation was low. Warm-up was so-so and not looking forward to the 2 x 2mi @Z4. My target pace was 8:00/mi and the first was @8:07/mi and I felt pretty good and pushed the second to 7:42/mi. So, overall a success and a total of 8mi in the bank!
Stefan- Great job! It took me a second to realize you were talking km, not miles and was wondering how you did 13.4mi in 55mins.
Got the run done in the cold and brought Maggie the Spazzy Golden for company. She LOVES to run! (Although my pace is more of a light "trot" for her!) My lungs are not feeling quite right ever since yesterday's WKO. Not sure why. I think perhaps from inhaling some water while on the bike? I have that "burny" feeling like after you do a really hard effort. Hoping I'm not coming down w something. Felt fine while I was running.
This was my toughest morning yet. My legs were pretty beat up from the Bike/Ski combo yesterday, so it was a heavy leg start. Finished the main set (2 x 1.5 miles) at 10:33 and 10:37. Monday rest will be very, very good. Good luck out there everyone!
Ray- fantastic work on the run! I see a major vdot improvement in your future. Just be careful about adding too much extra to your main sets in the OS. Even if you "could, doesn't mean you "should".
BURRRRRR! Felt very cold this morning and took a long time to warm up!! (3 miles before I really felt good!). Finished, dhitting my main set. Legs are feeling a little tired today!
@ Ray - x2 on what Kim said. Know you've been thru a ton with that accident and you're prob having a blast discovering that you still have run legs after all. But, IIRC, you haven't been doing too much running over the last year or so (?) cuz of that accident. If that's the case, overachieving on the run workouts is considerably riskier than any of the other disciplines (I'm sure you know this already but I gotta say it anyways). Be patient. If doing 5 sets of 1.5 mi is tolerable, then you should be able to bust out a big Vdot improvement on the next run test. At that point, the faster prescribed paces may cause you to lose interest in doubling up the work
As for my workout.... my run (achilles rehab protocol) workout keeps progressing. main set of 8x 800m (1') at pre-injury TP. [more, but shorter, rest breaks to allow me to rest the leg more often and keep the focus on form]
Kim I have about 20 years of this stuff behind me done 18 marathons 10 ims and kona 2.5 times would have been three had I not been hit by a course marshall motorcycle in 2010 I have been trying to come back from surgeries since . I typically train 25 to 30 hours per week. I am good trust me! I am an old man but I can run with all you guys I promise. I love the volume as well as all this hard stuff.
Ray- Got it. Us ENrs just like to look out for one another. Keep up the good work, and like I said, can't wait to see your 5k run test results. If you find you have too much speed, feel free to kick some over this way.
Ok Sunday run in the books 2x 800, 2 x 1 mi all at z4 (8:33 target for me). I skipped the Saturday run per instructions from Coach Rich in the micro thread and saw a HUGE bump in performance. Was cold outside!!! Did 8.2 miles in 77 min.
I did a 1.5 hours snowshoe walk/run today with a former client of mine. We warmed up for 15minutes, then we did 6 repeats of 5min of snowshoe running with 5min walking recovery with the last interval coming in at 11minutes. I included some hill repeats the last 2 intervals. The 2nd last interval were short hill repeats and the last interval was long hill repeats. Fun way to spend Sunday. This will be a regular run for me and I will be working up to longer and longer running intervals with the hope of running continuous for 30-45minutes. Much much hard than on the roads or the mill.
@Brenda: That sounds like so much fun, we don't have enough snow yet, but I definitely going to buy some snowshoes. Do you have any suggestions on what to buy, I have never done it.
Yesterday's run was on an indoor track - 2.43 miles in 24:15, avg pace 9:58/mile. Felt tight at first but then the afterburners kicked in! Felt really comfortable with that pace, and would have kept going for a bit more if I didn't have to pick up the youngest.
Today's run was abbreviated thanks to the amount of snow that wasn't plowed on my route. Felt great to run on the snow again, but it's going to take a few runs to get the feel back again. Compare yesterday's pace and distance with today's whopping 0.63 mile at a blistering 12:48/mile. It went like this: run run run walk walk trudgetrudgetrudgetrudge run run run trudgetrudgetrudgetrudge. No fun.
Back at it in doors this week, since the temps are predicted to be in the single digits again.
@Brenda: That sounds like so much fun, we don't have enough snow yet, but I definitely going to buy some snowshoes. Do you have any suggestions on what to buy, I have never done it.
Run done. 2 x 1.5 mile, goal pace: 8:45, first 1.5 @8:41, 2nd @8:27. Did 8 miles total and felt okay at the end, not as dead as I thought I would feel as I started with tired quads from yesterdays workouts. Looking forward to rest day tomorrow!
Week 6 in the books! MS 2x1.5 miles goal pace @7.33 actual was @7:37 & @7:35. My legs were also pretty shot from yesterday but I was able to stick it out. Bring it on week 7!
Good work everyone. It's nice to see those positive results. I listened to my body and skipped the run today since yesterday's run was a little sub-par and I've had some little aches and pains that won't go away. I'm hoping two days off will help those out. I don't want to be a hero today and a zero in July when my really important race is.
Mark: dont worry about bagging the run, I did that on thursday, as I felt super beat up from wednesday's run. I ended up just swapping thursday and friday, felt great and got through this weekend. Between friday night and this morning, I hit all my workouts, and had a nice mini-block that gave me 5.5 hours for the weekend. Sometimes you just have to give your body a chance to heal, and you'll come back stronger than if you'd try to power through it.
Good work everyone. It's nice to see those positive results. I listened to my body and skipped the run today since yesterday's run was a little sub-par and I've had some little aches and pains that won't go away. I'm hoping two days off will help those out. I don't want to be a hero today and a zero in July when my really important race is.
Week 6 is on the Books. Run done earlier today (late afternoon) after busy Sunday driving around the kids to horse riding/basketball game and waiting for wife to do her own run. Had to be very careful because the roads were a combination of ice and thin snow and priority was to not slide and avoid injury (a slip/ankle sprain would be TRAGIC!) Did 2x2miles (6') and have to agree with Stefan that the 2 mile intervals seem to last an eternity. My target was Z4=7:10 and was able to hit it and then add Z1.5 time. Total run was 1hr31min and 11.48 miles Breakdown and link to the run below: -1 mile warm up at 8:15 (Z1.5) -1st 2 mile interval at 7:09 -2nd 2 mile interval at 7:09 -added 5.8 miles at avg 8:23 (Z1.5) had to be very careful not to slip...
@Brenda - I got my first pair of snowshoes last year - those can lead to the hardest workouts ever!
I was totally going to bag yesterday's run ( little too much "fun" the night before and into a much overdue to-do list) and then my email inbox started filling up with Week 6 final runs from all the forum members. I read Larry's post ( he referred me and he is local so we train together occassionally ) about he was thinking the same thing, but he kicked it in anyways, and the value of this forum kicked in. I tend to have sub-par workouts if I wait until the later part of the day, so combined with the lack of desire, I was concerned that the workout would end up being a complete waste of effort. Needless to say, I strapped on the headlight and reflective vest and headed out into 28F at 5:00PM. My goal was to just get in the main sets in and call it a day. It was cold so I started running faster out of the gate to get warmed up. I realized after the first mile that I was within my Z4 target, so I kicked it in for another 1/2 mile to land about 9 seconds faster than my Z4. Thrilled because I was on target to get it done early, my attitude started to change and I pushed a faster MS 2 time that averaged almost 30 seconds faster than my Z4. At this point, feeling warm from the run and enjoying the peace, serenity, and solitude of the night , the attitude completely shifted and I put in a complete effort - 1:20 - 8.8 miles with an average of 2 seconds slower than my Z4.
@Ray - great run, looks like you are certainly well on your road back to being competitive on the run to match your bike!
@Emily - solid run! Although we have test week coming up, you effectively did a test and can use your new zones based on that!
Today's run was a pleasant surprise. 32 degrees and overcast and motivation was low. Warm-up was so-so and not looking forward to the 2 x 2mi @Z4. My target pace was 8:00/mi and the first was @8:07/mi and I felt pretty good and pushed the second to 7:42/mi. So, overall a success and a total of 8mi in the bank!
Got the run done in the cold and brought Maggie the Spazzy Golden for company. She LOVES to run! (Although my pace is more of a light "trot" for her!) My lungs are not feeling quite right ever since yesterday's WKO. Not sure why. I think perhaps from inhaling some water while on the bike? I have that "burny" feeling like after you do a really hard effort. Hoping I'm not coming down w something. Felt fine while I was running.
Target pace today was 9:47.
First 1.5mile was @9:45
Next 1.5 mile was @ 9:23
Second interval is always easier due to terrain. Very gradual incline out, then decline back Works out nicely for negative splitting!
Happy Sunday and rest day to tomorrow all!
Awesome weekend. Felt great!
BURRRRRR! Felt very cold this morning and took a long time to warm up!! (3 miles before I really felt good!). Finished, dhitting my main set. Legs are feeling a little tired today!
Keep it up all!!
So not in the mood to run today. I sucked it up and went anyway. .92 IF overall. http://tpks.ws/6eYs
As for my workout.... my run (achilles rehab protocol) workout keeps progressing.
main set of 8x 800m (1') at pre-injury TP.
[more, but shorter, rest breaks to allow me to rest the leg more often and keep the focus on form]
happy with it.
Next non-pool run will be Wednesday.
10:02 target
800(1) 4:55.4 0.50 9:50
RI 1:06.5 0.09 11:41
800(2) 4:59.3 0.50 10:00
RI 1:01.9 0.09 11:44
1mi(1) 10:09.5 1.00 10:10
RI 4:07.6 0.40 10:18 (took a longer recovery interval here)
1mi(2) 10:15.2 1.00 10:15
Finished off my workout with a hard 1 mile interval. currently my z5 is 9:37 pace, did the last mile in 8:00 flat. looking forward to my 5k test.
http://connect.garmin.com/activity/413697005Besides, with my results, I'm not one to advise anyone on anything run. Other than how to underperform or get hurt!
Ok Sunday run in the books 2x 800, 2 x 1 mi all at z4 (8:33 target for me). I skipped the Saturday run per instructions from Coach Rich in the micro thread and saw a HUGE bump in performance. Was cold outside!!! Did 8.2 miles in 77 min.
800 #1: 4:13, 8:26 pace
800 #2: 4:13, 8:26 pace
Mile #1: 8:34 pace
Mile #2: 8:33 pace
Looking forward to testing soon.
That sounds like so much fun, we don't have enough snow yet, but I definitely going to buy some snowshoes. Do you have any suggestions on what to buy, I have never done it.
Yesterday's run was on an indoor track - 2.43 miles in 24:15, avg pace 9:58/mile. Felt tight at first but then the afterburners kicked in! Felt really comfortable with that pace, and would have kept going for a bit more if I didn't have to pick up the youngest.
Today's run was abbreviated thanks to the amount of snow that wasn't plowed on my route. Felt great to run on the snow again, but it's going to take a few runs to get the feel back again. Compare yesterday's pace and distance with today's whopping 0.63 mile at a blistering 12:48/mile. It went like this: run run run walk walk trudgetrudgetrudgetrudge run run run trudgetrudgetrudgetrudge. No fun.
Back at it in doors this week, since the temps are predicted to be in the single digits again.
That sounds like so much fun, we don't have enough snow yet, but I definitely going to buy some snowshoes. Do you have any suggestions on what to buy, I have never done it.
Good work everyone. It's nice to see those positive results. I listened to my body and skipped the run today since yesterday's run was a little sub-par and I've had some little aches and pains that won't go away. I'm hoping two days off will help those out. I don't want to be a hero today and a zero in July when my really important race is.
Mark: dont worry about bagging the run, I did that on thursday, as I felt super beat up from wednesday's run. I ended up just swapping thursday and friday, felt great and got through this weekend. Between friday night and this morning, I hit all my workouts, and had a nice mini-block that gave me 5.5 hours for the weekend. Sometimes you just have to give your body a chance to heal, and you'll come back stronger than if you'd try to power through it.
Did 2x2miles (6') and have to agree with Stefan that the 2 mile intervals seem to last an eternity. My target was Z4=7:10 and was able to hit it and then add Z1.5 time. Total run was 1hr31min and 11.48 miles
Breakdown and link to the run below:
-1 mile warm up at 8:15 (Z1.5)
-1st 2 mile interval at 7:09
-2nd 2 mile interval at 7:09
-added 5.8 miles at avg 8:23 (Z1.5) had to be very careful not to slip...
I also thought it would be a good time to summarize these 6 weeks from the point of view of the run. The info is below and shows a pretty good trend
Week Mileage Time(Hr:Min) Avg.Pace
W6 31.8 4:11 7:52
W5 28.8 3:45 7:48
W4 27.4 3:34 7:49
W3 24.5 3:20 8:10
W2 25.5 3:31 8:16
W1 21.6 2:53 8:00
Total 159.5 21:14 7:59
5K test on 11/1 = 21:45, VDot=45
5k Turkey Trot on 11/28 = 20:51, VDot=47 (changed target paces)
@Brenda - I got my first pair of snowshoes last year - those can lead to the hardest workouts ever!
I was totally going to bag yesterday's run ( little too much "fun" the night before and into a much overdue to-do list) and then my email inbox started filling up with Week 6 final runs from all the forum members. I read Larry's post ( he referred me and he is local so we train together occassionally ) about he was thinking the same thing, but he kicked it in anyways, and the value of this forum kicked in. I tend to have sub-par workouts if I wait until the later part of the day, so combined with the lack of desire, I was concerned that the workout would end up being a complete waste of effort. Needless to say, I strapped on the headlight and reflective vest and headed out into 28F at 5:00PM. My goal was to just get in the main sets in and call it a day. It was cold so I started running faster out of the gate to get warmed up. I realized after the first mile that I was within my Z4 target, so I kicked it in for another 1/2 mile to land about 9 seconds faster than my Z4. Thrilled because I was on target to get it done early, my attitude started to change and I pushed a faster MS 2 time that averaged almost 30 seconds faster than my Z4. At this point, feeling warm from the run and enjoying the peace, serenity, and solitude of the night , the attitude completely shifted and I put in a complete effort - 1:20 - 8.8 miles with an average of 2 seconds slower than my Z4.
These forums work! Keep the good stories coming!
Seemed I was in the same boat as a few others yesterday. My MS1 consisted of a 90min NAP and my MS2 was a filet and bottle of Stag's Leap
A much needed day of rest as I'm still making great gains in my first OS! ONTO WEEK 7